Sunday, February 15, 2015

Focus on the Things that Last

I remember being told years ago, when it was popular, that I should have my colors done to see what I look best in. I was not big into fashion and was a bargain shopper, so my first question was "how much does it cost?"

Back in the 70's it was $35, which was a lot of money for us then. I spoke more with the lady who wanted me to do it and in the course of the conversation she revealed that we tend to gravitate toward those colors we look best in, my next question was; "then why is there a need to have it done if we already gravitate to the best colors for us?"

She didn't have an answer for me. Then I asked this question; "what if I found out I didn't look good in a color I enjoyed wearing?" She again had no answer for me.

When we think things through, often we find out that we were all excited about something, taking time and money away from others things to spend it on things that make no difference whatever, or at least that anyone would notice.

Many things become popular that are not useful to us simply because they are the popular things to do, with think they are important. Interesting isn't it, that in a short few years, that thing we thought was so important, that we spent time and money on, isn't even popular any more, so we move on to the next thing.

I guess my point in all this is that, we tend to jump on popular band wagons without thinking things through, wasting time, money and energy on something that has little value in our lives or the lives of others.

We cannot go wrong in diligent study of the Word of God, or growing our character through prayer. These things last for eternity, always have value and are never a waste of our time.

1 Corinthians 13:13 "13 So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

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