Believers in Jesus Christ need to stop all this paranoia about masks, vaccines, viruses, and other restrictions. Christ lives in us we have no need to walk around wringing our hands.
Far too many "Christians" are causing division and sadness over these things that have no effect on the born-again believer's Spiritual life.
While Christians are complaining, winning, and warning people about something that God is in charge of, the non-believers are watching, wondering why the believer is any better off than the non-believer.
Christians also need to stop judging someone else's spirituality or faith based on whether or not they choose to take a vaccine.
It is entirely possible that those who lack faith are those who are paranoid about all these things. God tells each person what He wants them to do, no one can say for sure about what God told them regarding these things.
So why is this paranoia happening? I am pretty sure it is because Christians are immersing themselves in media articles and videos. Looking for muck to rake up to appear as though they have more knowledge than others. But what they are reading and watching is likely disinformation and misinformation for the purpose of control over them.
These people want to feel they have control over everyone else when in fact they are being manipulated and controlled the same way others are, only in a different category.
Pride is involved in these judgments and divisions over things that have no impact on our love for Christ.
Satan is laughing at the fighting between believers. The more he can keep them paranoid and fighting with one another the less of the gospel is proclaimed. Those who walk in fear over these things are demonstrating a focus on this world more than on Christ. The same is true of their focus on who wins the white house.
God does and has placed in power the person He chose even though He used wicked people to do it. I believe it's because this country has been placing its trust in a man instead of God. So God brought more trials and allowed wicked men to be in power to show us the focus has not been Christ.
When our personal desires, income, happiness, and fun are removed is when the real us emerges. Either we focus on Christ or we whine and complain about all that is happening around us.
Most American believers could never be missionaries, enduring the hardships and difficulties they must endure for the sake of the gospel.
I challenge the believers to go an entire week without mentioning the virus, the president or the vaccine. Only one week, don't look at the videos, don't look at the articles, and turn off your ears when someone else begins to speak of these things. You will be amazed at the peace and joy that will return to your souls.
Perhaps even Christ will be on your mind far more, then is when the thankfulness, love, kindness, and peace return. Only one week, then go for a month, perhaps this will become a habit for a lifetime.
When the focus is on these worldly matters far more than Christ we are on a crooked and debilitating path. Let's get back to the straight and narrow path when everything all the time is about Christ. Let's allow the unbelieving world to see a calm, steady, and joyful Christian who is not shaken by anything. Hallelujah!!!
Proverbs 3:5-6
"5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight."