Ignorance and irrationality!!!! Because of these things, there is gripping fear. People fear what is happening all around them because they do not have Christ. Perhaps those who do not have Christ SHOULD fear, then they will see how powerless and helpless they are without Him.
": the law administered by military forces that is invoked by a government in an emergency when the civilian law enforcement agencies are unable to maintain public order and safety" Merriam Webster Dictionary
I have to ask myself why the "national" guard is being called in when we have local police who could enforce curfews and temporary laws for safety?
No one is calling the presence of 1000 national guard (military) "martial law" but they are acting as though it is such.
When the government is implementing curfews with criminal penalties for gatherings in churches, sporting events, and other venues, they are suspending our rights. They say it is for our safety, sounds good for now, however, I am convinced this is a test run for future events. Since we have never seen the military called in for any virus in the past this seems over the top to me.
My big question is this: why do we need a military? We don't see riots in the street nor do we see dangerous criminals ravaging homes and businesses. The threat is a virus not a rogue army.
What are the national guard going to do while here? If anyone knows I am interested.
The government of Oregon stated in their directives that anyone defying the temporary law not to gather in churches with over 250 people, but not just churches any events, would be held up to criminal penalties. But I did not see the specific penalty they threatened.
Next question: what is the penalty, wouldn't it be prudent to tell the people what will happen if they defy the mandate?
We see the fear out there with people buying up bathroom tissue and hand sanitizers, wouldn't it seem that the people don't need to be kept under control by an army. All that is needed is to tell them to stay home and they would. With the venues closed and the people in fear of the virus, it is unlikely that there will be riots in the streets to defy the mandate to get into the venues.
Something is just silly and off here, I wondered if anyone else saw what I think I am seeing. And, if anyone knows what the actual job of the national guard will be while here, I am interested.
Believers don't worry, see this time as an opportunity to draw closer to Christ Who lives in you.
To try to stop the end times prophesy from occurring is like using a teaspoon and a cup to drain the Pacific ocean. In other words, an exercise in futility and foolishness really, why would we want to stop what God said would happen?!!!!
Believers have more hope than ever as the world loses its grip on reality.
The virus is a ruse to cause panic and acceptance of martial law for protection. When people are in a panic and fear state they will accept almost anything they think will guard them against adversity.
So many people are confused about right and wrong as well as truth from an error that their head is spinning only to land on those who will speak great swelling words to make them feel good. Feeling good is all that matters to most people, logic, and reason is not valued anymore.
Since "feelings" take priority over "reality" in our day we can expect to see many ridiculous and insane actions and reactions to quell the sense of insecurity that will be in the soul of all non-believers. They will grasp at anything, believing anything and do anything to feel safe, all based on feelings.
This is when the antichrist will come into play. The world is being set up for fear-mongering to be able to control the people. Since the goal is to introduce the antichrist nothing is off-limits in the quest to bring him into power.
Believers you are living in exciting times, the times the prophets wrote about but didn't understand the things God told them to write. We understand them now as we watch them play out. So, don't fear, just rejoice!