Saturday, December 26, 2015

Only If Our Budget Will Handle It

The little house I grew up in, out in the country. This house had only studs for wall in the early years for four years before my parents could afford sheet rock. There was never a mortgage and the house only grew larger as my parents could afford and the work was done by my father.
My parents didn't buy what they could not afford, nor did they want what they couldn't have. One of the most valuable lessons they taught me was to only buy what you can afford to pay for yourself and never anything unnecessary unless there was extra money after the bills were all paid, one of the bills was a little savings in the bank.
Is anyone teaching these principles anymore? We weren't rich, but we had everything we needed and a little extra for a rainy day.
So many young people don't want to grow slowly, they feel they must have everything right now, rather than saving and waiting for what they have worked hard to earn. We take better care of things when we work hard to get them.

The Signs Are Here, Listen for the Trumpet

As a famous preacher once said, "I am no longer looking for the signs of the Lord's return, they are so many we can't miss them, I am now listening for the trumpet."