Has anyone else
experienced what we have?
Elements travel
through wires and through the air all the time to allow for electronic devices
to operate. Cell phones gather information from satellites from outer space. I
am convinced that those "radio waves" or whatever they are, can go
between humans and animals and human to human. My husband and I experience
something every day along these lines. It is common for me to have a thought,
without any discussion, my husband only a few minutes later will say it, when
there has been no discussion of any kind on the subject beforehand.
Many things like
this have happened to me, it came to mind one day that "wouldn't it be
funny if I heard from my friend that I had not heard from in 20 years."
Ten minutes later the phone rings and it is that person. I believe that we can
sometimes catch in our minds that someone else is thinking about us. Not
divination but simple brain waves going from one person or animal to another.
My father once
told our dog to go find the cat, the dog walked down the road and a few minutes
later right behind the dog was the cat following him. I am sure that the cat
and dog "speak" differently, the cat by meows and the dog by growling
and barks. How did the dog know what to say to the cat and why did the cat
We also know that
animals often know when storms or earthquakes are coming before humans do. They
become agitated when something is wrong, even when no one can see it. They may
feel a change in air pressure that alerts them of danger. I have also had dogs
that were able to discern the character of a person, when normally the dogs
loved everyone, there was one person they growled at and just didn't like.
I knew a dog once
who was laying outside his young master’s room, he was not allowed to go
inside. But one day the dog jumped on the bed and began licking the face of the
boy, the boy had stopped breathing, the dog knew it and tried to revive him.
The dog saved the boy’s life. How could that dog know that the boy had stopped
breathing from 15 feet away while the boy lay in his bed? I believe animals
sense things that we cannot see and I believe some humans have that ability to
a very limited degree too.
God has given us
a complicated system of damage control. Often we hear of people who sensed
danger without any proof, then later it was proven that something terrible
happened, the event didn't happen later, it was a matter of the event happening
right at the time the person sensed danger. There was no divination just a
physical sense of danger.
There is a
difference between sensing danger or reading character and seeking to read the
future or trusting evil spirits. What I speak about here is a natural built in
ability that God has given us, some to a greater degree of than others.
There are those
who can discern facial expressions, able to see if someone is lying or if
someone is in trouble when no words have been spoken. Whenever we experience
these things, we need to turn to God to show us the truth about what we are
It is never
alright to seek spirits to find out the future or speak to the dead, which is
not what I am talking about here.
Why does the body
know to heal a wound? Why do we have panic responses when there is danger, even
when we don't see anything? God made us in the beginning with many abilities
that have been ruined or diminished by the curse in the fall.
Have you ever
wondered why Eve was not frightened or alarmed when the serpent spoke to her?
It must have been normal for the animals to communicate with humans, whatever form
that took, it was clear that Eve was not surprised about the serpent speaking
nor was she afraid that he did.
I am amazed at
the intricacy of the human brain and the body’s' ability to heal itself often
when there is no intervention on the part of humans. I had so many cuts and
scrapes as a child, even often neglecting them in terms of ointments and
sealing salves, but the body took care of them in the matter of a couple of
God created a
perfect universe, after the fall it wasn't perfect any more, things we once
used to be able to do, are not under the curse and greatly diminished,
nonetheless still in operation to some degree.
I find it amazing
that this computer works, how can the words type on the screen, how do they
travel through the wires to everyone and anyone all over the world? Even the
scientists who discovered this, really don't know exactly how it works, they
only know that it does. The fact that they could discover these things I
believe is an act of God. He controls every new invention, for his purposes. I
don't believe man can create any new ideas, our brain was wired to only be able
to think up that which is possible. God reveals in his timing what He wants us
to know and when He wants us to develop it.
These thoughts
ought to leave us in awe of God and His marvelous creation. We truly do have
more unanswered questions than answered ones. This is why I am so excited about
heaven, getting to see our Lord, able to ask Him everything I have been curious
about, but could never understand myself.