There is nothing in the Bible that says that women cannot speak the gospel to men. Women are not to lead in the church meetings but they can share as long as their heads are covered. They can pray out loud as well as long as they are covered. 1 Corinthians 11.
When you look at the original Greek the women are not to chatter, visit and disrupt with chaos in the gathering, that's why Paul said they can ask their own husbands at home. It was during a time when women were not educated.
The same men who say women should not speak about the Lord say nothing about the head covering that God did mandate for the believing woman.
Every man who loves the Lord should be excited about a woman who loves to speak of Him. It doesn't matter who it is coming from as long as it is the truth that is spoken.
Men have been in charge of the churches for 200 years and look where they have taken us, that is into apostasy and false teaching. Women were not the leaders when this was happening, even though there were some, most were men that did this.
The mandate for men to lead in the church was clear, but it did not exclude the women from speaking at all as long as she was covered. Let's be careful not to inculcate into the teachings more than what God actually said.
Women have the Holy Spirit too, they are given gifts just like the men. They are instructed to use those gifts through the power of the Holy Spirit. Woman is not leader in the church gathering but she can speak, teach, instruct and even street preach to non-believers and to women and children.
I worry about Christian women who have nothing to say about the Lord. We speak about the things that are important to us. What could be more important than Jesus Christ.