Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Tyndale Bible the First English Translation

Why do some people believe the only correct version of the bible has been around since 1611? Before the KJB there were others who translated into other languages. Were all the people who read those languages not getting the word of God? Are only those who speak and read English getting the Word of God? Why would anyone think the KJV of the Bible had "inspired" translators and all the others did not?
The Tyndale Bible was translated into English by William Tyndale ( c. 1494–1536). Tyndale's Bible was the first English translation to work directly from Hebrew and Greek texts. This translation was the oldest of all English translations. Why would the KJV of the Bible be held above the Tindale Bible? I do not get this at all!!!!
The first Bible translation into German was in 1534 before the KJV 1611, into English.
The language of Christ was Hebrew and Aramaic. It would make more sense for people to believe that only the Hebrew and Aramaic versions of the Bible were accurate, which is what I believe. The fact is that God allowed the Bible to remain so that it could be passed to every tongue and people group in every age.
The miracle is not in the translations but in the Holy Spirit's ability to get His Word, which is the essence of Jesus Christ, Called the Word, into every believer with the proper understanding. Christ is the Word, not those words on the page, He is the one Who takes words from a page and turns them into truth for the born-again believer and anyone else who is seeking Him.
Hebrews 4:12
"12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
Psalm 119:105
"105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
To rely only on one translation is like saying God does not have the ability to incorporate into each mind His message unless it is through that version and in English. What arrogance to believe only the "English" speaking people had the Bible correctly, especially when it was not the language of Christ.
I take issue with this. God spoke to me through several versions over the years, as He does with anyone who is seeking Him. All the versions I have read were nearly exactly the same when it came to the gospel and all the important matters. This is the miracle of God that so many KJV followers deny, that God is the author, He can protect His own word no matter what translation.
I do not include commentaries in this which is what the "Message" is, it is not a Bible at all, it was not translated from the original languages and was merely one man's opinion. In the beginning, the "Message" was not advertised as a Bible, it was called a commentary. It does not qualify as a translation on any level.
Many more people around the world became born again through a different language than through English. God moved in their hearts, they believed and whatever translation was in their language He brought the truth through the Holy Spirit.
Satan could not get the believers who were reading the Bible to fight with one another so he devised a plan to cause them to fight about translation, ruining the Christian witness as the world watches the biting and devouring one another over a translation.
I do not trust in any translations, I read them and trust the Holy Spirit alone.
I am saddened that so many are fighting over this issue. I have no issue with anyone who wants to read the KJV only, I take issue with fighting and diminishing the spirituality of others merely because they use a different version. Even calling it sinful, some go so far as to declare someone not saved if they use other versions, this is beyond perposterous.
I do not write this to cause division or to start fights, I write it as a warning to be careful defending something that is not true and that causes division orchestrated by the devil.
I love my brothers and sisters who use the KJV, I do at times too, but I cannot stand the judging of others over this matter of translations. Those of us who use other versions do not chastise the "KJV only" people for what they use, they should not be doing it to us either.
I also write this to help those who are confused and pressured by others to use a particular version. Do not be discouraged or intimidated by others as to the version you choose. Ask God, do what He says, and ignore the attackers who want to control you.
Love to all of you no matter what version you use, may the Holy Spirit be the God in your lives, not a person or a translation. Seek Him!!!!!!