Monday, December 16, 2013


I am so weary of hearing about all these shootings in our public places, especially schools where there are groups of children.

If every teacher were armed with gun in holster, in plain view, we could save many lives. When a shooter comes into a school with a gun, he automatically loses his right to be safe.

When we commit crimes we do the time and experience the consequences.

Don't want to get shot, then don't commit the crime.

The reason the powers that be do not think this way is because they are steeped in psychology. Psychology says we must be careful to protect the hurting emotionally disturbed shooter and forgets about all the children he will murder in his quest for importance.

Emotional trauma is not an excuse to harm or for killing others. These shooting rampages did not exist when I was growing up, we were taught to control our emotions and think of others first. And, there were serious consequences for crime, especially murder, ones life was required in justice to the hurting families of the victims.

Perhaps the modern day rampage in public places has something to do with the video games the young people are using daily, even in addictive ways. Sin indulged must find more exciting ways of expressing itself, it is never stagnant.

I have no doubt that those who do these crimes are hurting, but if we would stop teaching the children that they come first and that everything they do can be blamed on others, then we would see fewer of these incidences of mass murder.

Notice that we teach children these days that nothing bad they do is their fault but the good they do is to their own credit, we send a lying message of "claim the glory and blame others for the evil we do."

With the shooters, we can blame the drugs they are on, their family lives, their experience with bullying and many other excuses, but in reality, every shooter is thinking only of himself, even when he kills himself, it is all about him. His motivation is to harm others and make them sorry for him when he kills them and then kills himself.

Do we understand that "suicide" is as much a sin as murder? It is refusal to admit that we have no right to decide our own death date or in the case of murder, the death date of anyone else. Both acts are rebellion against and anger toward God.

Yes, our broken families have contributed to this sense of lack of self control. Since the parents refused to control their emotions to keep a family in tact, the child learns he does not have to control his emotions to do the right things.

The drugs, sex and alcohol are, I am convinced, response to the broken families. Anger has risen in young people exponentially with the onset of rampant divorce and remarriage.

If we could only admit that we have failed the children in our selfish pursuit of pleasure and flirting to fulfill our lusts in dissolved marriages and new spouses, then and only then could we begin to rebuild the culture. The children coming up would have a chance at a different life.

However, I don't think this can happen as long as those who are divorced and remarried continue to fight against the admonition to repent and become born again.

Teaching children that life is not all about them and that marriages are sacred and must be protected, would go a long way to removing the loneliness and desperation so many children feel.

I know there are many Scripture that could be quoted here, how about you, my facebook friends, adding them for me.

Let Go and Let God

This article is right on!! Amen, Amen!!

I have felt this for some time now, that too many people are remaining silent about their children's sin to keep them in the family, knowing that they will run away if they speak truth.

So many prodigals never learn anything, feeling comfortable in their sin because they never lose anything in their families.

This article hits the nail on the head.

The Lord has made me happy and comfortable without my children until they repent. For years I agonized over their disobedience and rebellion, trying to reason with them, but getting no where, when God made it clear that I was to let them go and just pray.

How many marriages are harmed because one spouse is putting too much into rebellious children and neglecting their spouse in the process. I say to married couples, let the prodigals go and put everything into your spouse who is on your side.

I think sometimes we fear being alone in our old age so we hang onto rebellious children too long. God can be all we need in our old age and He can be our protector. We must trust Him for our children and for our own protection too.