Liberals cannot be consistent, because everything they want is based on selfishness and emotion rather than truth.
There is little truth left in the world, far too many people are experiencing emotions that don't even need to be there because they have been indoctrinated by television and other media that convince them they should want something that without this influence they might never think about.
Liberals are driven my emotions and the ideas of others, they are in lock step with one another unable to think for themselves.
How could they ponder and evaluate anything that is based on what others tell them they should think and feel.
Rational and reasonable human beings never do what others tell them to do, they evaluate matters and come to a decision based on truth.
The only truth comes from the Word of God, it's all in there, every principle necessary for life is contained in the Scriptures.
If you think you are not a liberal, ask yourself how many times you consulted the Bible when the matters of life presented themselves, this might give a clue.
2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,"