Monday, February 3, 2020

The Steadiness and Peace of Christ

When we have Christ we have no need for "excitement", just calm and steady peace dwells in our hearts all the time.

Manipulative People Do Not Love

Those who walk in love do not manipulate others! They speak truth plain and simple and leave the decision to obey God to those who hear.  Those who love do not judge based on what they wish to believe, they want to believe the truth. Image may contain: possible text that says 'Manipulative people: When you set standards and stick to them, there will be people in your life who fall away. Let them.'

The Steadiness of Christ

When we have Christ we have no need for "excitement", just calm and steady peace dwells in our hearts all the time.

The Woman of God

Image may contain: text

Remaining Faithful to Christ no Matter What the Narcissist Does

This is exactly what is going on all the time now. Many kind people are confused because they cannot understand why the selfish person thinks you are bad when they are the ones doing all the bad things. Its very difficult when an entire family acts this way and one that has chosen to follow Christ and has come out of the family system. Thank the Lord that He knows about all of it and we can grow in holiness no matter what others choose to do to you or about themselves.

And, these kind of selfish people will work to turn others against someone who is living right because their goal is to cause us to react badly proving to them we deserved the disrespect. But in Christ we don't have to act the way they do, we have the strength of God to act in kindness and love even in the face of insults and disrespect.

Karen Puff Rosenkrantz
♡ people used to dislike those who LIE, now they dislike those who tell the TRUTH ♡