Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Look Whats Happening to the Apostate Church!


The structure of the Cross A Distraction

I see the structure of a cross as a representation of Christianity, as a distraction. We owned a business, a customer came in wearing a huge gold cross, I asked him what he thought that cross did for him. His answer was that it protected him from the police. He was clearly a drug dealer flashing around a large wad of bills. He used that symbol as an amulet like a magic charm that did his bidding.

Objects always get perverted because mankind cannot seem to believe in anything unless they have something to look at. Remove their idols and watch them self destruct. It is best to preach "walking by faith", forcing them to turn to an unseen God rather than trusting in an inanimate object that has no power at all.

Many people who are not born again feel safe because there is a cross in the room. Remove their object of perceived safety and they will better hear the gospel.

We see no command in the Word of God to place a cross as a representation, what we do hear God say is this: "walk by faith not by sight."

It is human nature to place our trust in things we can see. Eliminate those objects and one is force to look to the unseen Holy God instead.

We Have Heard the Death Rattle

We have heard the final death rattle of America!

Our nation has delivered the ultimate and deliberate blow in the acceptance and endorsement of same sex unions not only by the public institutions but at the highest levels or our government right up to the presidency.

This opens the door for apostate churches to embrace what God clearly condemns. Very few people think for themselves and even fewer people actually seek God on the matters of morality.

Those who claim to be believers, but have not been born again, have always had their toe over the line, now they have removed the line entirely, going so far as to rail against true born again believers, for speaking God's truth, expecting believers to actually desire and follow the principles of Christ as written in His Word. Even more sadly those who agree with the born agains, stand silently in the corner, too cowardly to come along side those who would speak truth, allowing the apostate to believe they have rallied to the side of the reprobate.

When we as a nation validate wickedness even punishing those who refuse to accept it, we have crossed over into arena of total rejection of God.

There were a number of years "Christians" basically ignored God and His principles, now they have become hostile toward Him and arrogantly incensed at anyone who would suggest them as a way of life.

Galatians 6:7 "7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

Those who desire to believe themselves to be good or special are the hardest to reach, they have elevated their own status in their own minds to such a degree that they are gods unto themselves.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 For those who have been reading my page, you already know what this passage says, for those who have not been reading this page, please read from your Bible this passage, it may shock you that we are in the middle of what is described in these passages.