Attempting to do our Christianity in the flesh based on what we interpret as good is an exercise in futility.
Judges 17:6
"6 In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."
When we desire to be changed and guided by Christ He will bring about change in us that results in far different behavior than if we are working in the flesh.
We might be able to fool others for a time with our outward appearances and shallow words but eventually those who pretend grow weary of the hard work of that pretense and the real them sneaks out, sometimes without them realizing it at all.
Then there is also the problem of those who have discernment about the fleshly walk. They are able to see into the soul by Spiritual discernment that reveals things the pretender didn't' think anyone else could see. Ways of expressing themselves in their words, facial expressions, body language and tones of voice often give them away.
I have heard it said that only 7% of communication is actually words. Most of what one conveys to others comes through to us other than words.
And, we know that God sees everything all the time. Even if someone is able to fool man they will never fool God. Who is the most important?......of course it is God.
There is food gluttony that is a sin, but even worse than food gluttony is a glutton of self worship. When someone is fixated on self to such a degree that it is unthinkable that anyone would correct them then they are self worshiping.
We see this self worship emerging in many forms in our day. Those who attend church gatherings every week expecting to be entertained and comforted care little if anything about Christ. These people are coming to get what they can from God even though in their heart they hate Him.
Parents in our day can understand this concept when they are rejected by ungrateful children. So many adult children are never to be seen while the parents are living but will show up at the reading of the will and the memorial to find out what their parents left them. In other words they want their parents wealth and material possessions but they care nothing about the parents.
So many "Christians" do this with God. They are "naming and claiming" whatever they want from God but deny His principles in His word. They become angry when an authentic believer corrects them with Scripture because they do not love God, they only want what He has to offer. Sadly these same people will not have what He has to offer, that is salvation, nor will they have His protection or blessings in any other area.
When we encounter a "Christian" who hears the Word of God and fights and argues to defend their sin one minute and the next crying out to Him for something they want, they can expect nothing from God.
Psalm 66: 17:-19…17 I cried out to Him with my mouth, and His praise was on my tongue. 18 If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. 19 But God has surely heard; He has attended to the sound of my prayer.
Isaiah 1:14-16…14 I hate your New Moons and your appointed feasts; they have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them. 15 When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; even though you multiply your prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood. 16 Wash and cleanse yourselves. Remove your evil deeds from My sight. Stop doing evil!…"
Have you wondered why our country is in such a mess morally? As a country we claim to be Christian but negate and ignore more of Scripture than we obey as a nation.
Let me ask this: "Why have all the abortion clinics not been shut down, the houses of porn, the brothels, the taverns, the immoral clothing shops, the laws allowing divorce and remarriage, the movie houses, the television shows that depict evil as good?" Might I add, "where are the mothers who are not in the home caring for their families? " They are working outside the home to earn the all mighty buck when they should be fulfilling their role as keeper of the home.
The list is so long it would take a book to write about all of the violations of God's' word and even the hostility toward Him that we see every day.
Our country does the same thing as individuals do every day, it proclaims Christianity in words only, but actions are absent.
Matthew 15:7-9 "…7 You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you: 8‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. 9 They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’”…"
The most disturbing thing of all to me is that so many "houses of God" are the worst in perverting His word and accepting sin as a normal course. I have heard of many cases in which pastors are divorced and remarried, shack ups are attending the services and every one greets and endorses their choice to mock God and most are attending these gatherings for the entertainment that was designed to entice them.
When we cater to the unsaved to bring them in then all we do is cater to them once they are in. Think about it, watering down the gospel message of repentance and confession of sinfulness will bring in those who are not serious about following Christ. Those who are not serious will dictate the goings on through their unrepentant attitude that will leave at the first sign of conviction. Take away all the entertainment and the houses of God will dwindle so much so the salary of the "pastor" will not be enough for him to live on.
Is it possible that a very good salary will cause many to market their church for a higher salary. This is one more thing to add to our book about the ills and problems in this nation that has rejected Christ.
WORDS are not enough, God proved that in Matthew 15:8! All we have to do is watch for a little while what people say and how they act to prove what God has said. Most people talk a good line and think that's enough.
Just Saying!
Judges 17:6
"6 In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."
When we desire to be changed and guided by Christ He will bring about change in us that results in far different behavior than if we are working in the flesh.
We might be able to fool others for a time with our outward appearances and shallow words but eventually those who pretend grow weary of the hard work of that pretense and the real them sneaks out, sometimes without them realizing it at all.
Then there is also the problem of those who have discernment about the fleshly walk. They are able to see into the soul by Spiritual discernment that reveals things the pretender didn't' think anyone else could see. Ways of expressing themselves in their words, facial expressions, body language and tones of voice often give them away.
I have heard it said that only 7% of communication is actually words. Most of what one conveys to others comes through to us other than words.
And, we know that God sees everything all the time. Even if someone is able to fool man they will never fool God. Who is the most important?......of course it is God.
There is food gluttony that is a sin, but even worse than food gluttony is a glutton of self worship. When someone is fixated on self to such a degree that it is unthinkable that anyone would correct them then they are self worshiping.
We see this self worship emerging in many forms in our day. Those who attend church gatherings every week expecting to be entertained and comforted care little if anything about Christ. These people are coming to get what they can from God even though in their heart they hate Him.
Parents in our day can understand this concept when they are rejected by ungrateful children. So many adult children are never to be seen while the parents are living but will show up at the reading of the will and the memorial to find out what their parents left them. In other words they want their parents wealth and material possessions but they care nothing about the parents.
So many "Christians" do this with God. They are "naming and claiming" whatever they want from God but deny His principles in His word. They become angry when an authentic believer corrects them with Scripture because they do not love God, they only want what He has to offer. Sadly these same people will not have what He has to offer, that is salvation, nor will they have His protection or blessings in any other area.
When we encounter a "Christian" who hears the Word of God and fights and argues to defend their sin one minute and the next crying out to Him for something they want, they can expect nothing from God.
Psalm 66: 17:-19…17 I cried out to Him with my mouth, and His praise was on my tongue. 18 If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. 19 But God has surely heard; He has attended to the sound of my prayer.
Isaiah 1:14-16…14 I hate your New Moons and your appointed feasts; they have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them. 15 When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; even though you multiply your prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood. 16 Wash and cleanse yourselves. Remove your evil deeds from My sight. Stop doing evil!…"
Have you wondered why our country is in such a mess morally? As a country we claim to be Christian but negate and ignore more of Scripture than we obey as a nation.
Let me ask this: "Why have all the abortion clinics not been shut down, the houses of porn, the brothels, the taverns, the immoral clothing shops, the laws allowing divorce and remarriage, the movie houses, the television shows that depict evil as good?" Might I add, "where are the mothers who are not in the home caring for their families? " They are working outside the home to earn the all mighty buck when they should be fulfilling their role as keeper of the home.
The list is so long it would take a book to write about all of the violations of God's' word and even the hostility toward Him that we see every day.
Our country does the same thing as individuals do every day, it proclaims Christianity in words only, but actions are absent.
Matthew 15:7-9 "…7 You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you: 8‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. 9 They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’”…"
The most disturbing thing of all to me is that so many "houses of God" are the worst in perverting His word and accepting sin as a normal course. I have heard of many cases in which pastors are divorced and remarried, shack ups are attending the services and every one greets and endorses their choice to mock God and most are attending these gatherings for the entertainment that was designed to entice them.
When we cater to the unsaved to bring them in then all we do is cater to them once they are in. Think about it, watering down the gospel message of repentance and confession of sinfulness will bring in those who are not serious about following Christ. Those who are not serious will dictate the goings on through their unrepentant attitude that will leave at the first sign of conviction. Take away all the entertainment and the houses of God will dwindle so much so the salary of the "pastor" will not be enough for him to live on.
Is it possible that a very good salary will cause many to market their church for a higher salary. This is one more thing to add to our book about the ills and problems in this nation that has rejected Christ.
WORDS are not enough, God proved that in Matthew 15:8! All we have to do is watch for a little while what people say and how they act to prove what God has said. Most people talk a good line and think that's enough.
Just Saying!