O.K. What's with this:
We have all these people on Facebook predicting through dreams that Trump is going to win the election, maybe there is some truth there. They have a 50 percent chance they are right. But mostly I think they are basing their predictions and having dreams on their personal desires more than a message from God. But, whatever, we shall see.
NOW, Why had no one had a dream or prediction that we would encounter one of the biggest things happening in modern times, that is a virus that would shut down the world. Where were the dreamers and visioner before all this happened?
I suggest to you that in our day of unbelief the dreams and visions are more a product of wishful thinking than a word from God. We have many people saying they are having dreams, even obscure ones they are interpreting in their own way that never materialize.
Dreams are crazy things often in response to our own fears or desires. They cannot be trusted as from God unless God specifically said, "thus saith the Lord."
Christ said of one place He went that He could do not miracles in that town because of the unbelief there. We are living in a time of massive unbelief, God is not going to give visions about the future to an unfaithful world.
And, I have no confidence in the dreams of people who come out after an event and say they had a dream when they didn't tell anyone before the event about their dream.
Deuteronomy 18:21-22 "…21 You may ask in your heart, “How can we recognize a message that the LORD has not spoken?” 22 When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD and the message does not come to pass or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him."
We are living in a world full of fantasy thinkers who are encouraged to believe every thought or dream they have is from God. Often it leaves Christians looking like fools when these things do not come to pass. This is a terrible witness to the world of the power of Christ.
God did say people would have dreams and vision in the end times, these were the times of the Jews in the tribulation when God returns His attention to the Jewish nation. This prophecy was not for the church age or the Gentiles. When the church is gone in the rapture, God's attention will be turned back to the Jews, after most of the nation is destroyed there will be a remnant of them who will trust Christ and prophesy of Christ.
The greatest testimony we have in the world today is to believe the Bible and live according to it. If we cannot believe and obey the Bible God is not going to give us special revelation other than what He has already given in His Word.
Matthew 12:38-40 "38Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Him, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” 39 Jesus replied, “A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.…"
Most dreams and visions today are done out of a grandiose mentality to be noticed and receive special knowledge others do not have. We know this because as we watch the lives of these people we see more violations of the Word of God than we see obedience. They are grandstanders without good sense, looking, watching, and waiting for the next dream. When they do not have a dream they claim a vision, in most cases, merely a thought they claim is from God.
These pretenders do not realize that the devil can place these same thoughts in their heads to build their pride as well as discourage Christians who believed these accounts, then when they did not happen their faith is dashed because their faith was in signs rather than Christ and the Bible.
Many of the same people who prophesy extra-Biblical matters are living in sin, spreading false doctrine, and generally living a life chasing their fifteen minutes of fame.
I do not say someone wouldn't have a dream or vision in our day, I am saying they are very rare because of the lack of faith as well as the fact that God gave us everything we needed in the Bible, we walk by faith and have no need of sight of future events. Faith in His Word is enough.
I didn't know the pandemic was coming or the plan behind it, I only had to walk with Christ through it when it arrived. Christ gives me all I need when I need it, no need to know what tomorrow holds except what He already told me in the Bible.
Those who clamor after dreams and visions are those who lack faith.
Matthew 16:4 "4 A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah. "
Notice the words; "but none will be given" referring to a sign. All the sign we need is in the Bible. After the church age when God turns His attention back to Isreal then, the Jews will have their dreams and visions to win those who do not yet believe.
If you have faith you do not need any signs except God's Word, the Bible.