Accepting no disagreements on this subject, it is for contemplation only or confirmation. This is not up for debate here.
The same people who say that a remarried couple is a genuine marriage because of the government requires a piece of paper to acknowledge it and to dissolve it, would say that homosexual marriage was not a valid marriage.
This is a double standard, God spoke as much against the sins of divorce and remarriage as He did against homosexuality.
It won't be long before those who defend remarriages after divorce, will also be claiming that homosexual marriage is legitimate, because if the vow and the piece of paper make a marriage, then why would we exclude same sex marriage.
John 6:60
"Therefore many of His disciples, when they heard this said, "This is a difficult statement; who can listen to it?"
Even the disciples had a hard time wrapping their mind around the idea that a man was sinning when they divorce and remarriage.
There need be no confusion on this subject, God is clear, but those who do not want to accept God's will, are refusing to go to prayer and ask God what the truth is.