I think that narcissists want to be the center of attention. They want me to come so that they can ignore me. In short, they want me to see them in their glory, but don't care about a relationship with me. One of the enjoyments of the narcissist is to be seen, even if they don't see us.
This is the way I see most church services, they gather to be seen, but have little interest in focusing on Christ. Christ is an add on to their rituals to feel spiritual but the main entertainment is elevating people.
The most wonderful funeral I have ever been to, was many years ago. A godly woman had passed, no one cried, everyone was full of joy at her homegoing, no one elevated her, but rather they elevated Christ, everyone went away blessed by the attention that was given to Christ. The lady was recognized as a woman of God, but would have been pleased that she was not the center of attention, her God was. There were no lengthy stories about her life, no rambling embarrassing testimonies from people who barely knew her. It was just all about Christ. We were celebrating Christ and the home going of our sister in the Lord.
When the focus is Christ in any gathering, then no one is the center of attention. There is blessed joy from visiting with like minded people whose focus is entirely other than themselves.