I heard a saying recently it goes like this; "they want to believe you are a bad person to justify the evil way they have treated you."
I posted this on a site in a discussion with others about this topic.
One respondent said this; "Absolutely. They don't want to believe that you're actually a good person. They have already smeared your name with others who are against you. They have all been ruminating and hating you together SO much for SO long that they can't afford to think that they might be wrong. They need you to be the bad guy to justify their evil behavior

There are many people I have met who have experienced gossip against them that isn't at all akin to how they live their life or what is in their heart.
Notice something the devil is very adept at, that is to accuse others of what he does and we are not doing. Those who listen to the gossip can never forget what they heard and believed from someone they like, so they never speak to the one gossiped about to get the full story. And, they would never confront the one who spread the gossip to correct their evil whispering campaigns.
Since those who choose to believe the gossip usually cannot be convinced of anything other than the first thing they heard, we must leave it to God. If He chooses to open their eyes and work in their heart that is His business. We can be confident and joyful without those who love their gossip.
The beauty of the Christian life is that we know God knows everything about us, all the players and circumstances and what comes next, we have no need to do anything except trust Him.
Psalm 91:14-16
14 “Because he has loved Me, I will save him;
I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.
15 He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.
16 I will satisfy him with a long life,
And show him My salvation.”
Don't become unhinged when you hear things others have said about you that is not true, know the source, that is the devil and even have a sense of humor about it. We are free to walk away without anger, without malice and without worry because God has our back.