Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Mess is Growing

I just saw a story on another post about a "woman" who married a man but didn't tell her husband she was a tranny, she was a man who made himself into a woman.

Now days one had better ask the question before they are married and make them prove that they are what they say they are, or they may find themselves engaged in a homosexual relationship without even knowing it.

If a man claims to be a woman and marries another man without telling him, when the truth comes out there needs to be a divorce. This is an abomination to God, the vows are not binding because one party was deceived and not one of the opposite gender.

This culture is becoming so mixed up and crazy-making that we would even have to think of such things at all, is beyond the pale.

Just twenty years ago these abominations were the insane fringe people, now we have government agencies legalizing all of it and even placing restrictions on our speech about it.

Can we say "Sodom and Gommorah?"

Making Decisions in Sync

There are only two people who should make the decisions in a marriage, that is the husband and wife together. Anyone else who interferes by going to the husband alone to convince him what he should do with his wife, is interfering where they do not belong.

Remember, there are those in cults who encourage the husband to take his direction from the elders who promote the husband oppressing his wife to get his own way.

Get out of these cults, they will be constantly placing pressure on the husband to be intimidating, mocking and demeaning in attempts to control the emotions of their wives.

Micro managing the wife is not only unBiblical it is mean and selfish. Every man should be encouraging his wife to pursue her talents and desires as she manages the home.

Love cares more about enhancing the life experience for the one they love than about getting their own way.

Christ died for the world to save them from sin and we should die to self to be supportive of our spouse. We should enjoy their strengths and help them through their weaknesses.

Pretty simple isn't it, unless someone is stubborn and self absorbed.

"In Sync" meaning suited to one another as a team in lock step for a common goal.

Brain Washing in the Churches

Interesting isn't it, brain washing has been going on in this world for a long time.

God's word has been used in the same way a college student uses "Cliff" notes. The student in life skims over the Word, finding the things they like, interpreting them according to their traditions rather than evaluating their traditions according to the Word. Even more sadly, these people interpret the Bible according to others in their gathering instead of seeking Christ on their own.

Most people fall into this category of superficial believers. They are more interested in pleasing the people in the building than they are pleasing God.

The "new traditions" have become acceptance of divorce and remarriage, softening everything so people will not be offended, intimidating people into believing that a one man pastor is the authority and that everything he says must be obeyed, even if it is not Scriptural.

Even more disturbing is when we ask questions or bring up thoughts in opposition to the thoughts of one who has been trained in the institutions, we are met with arrogance that we dared to disagree with them.

One does not become an expert in life by going to the right school. We become wise by reading God's Word, believing Him and practicing what we believe. Yes, and believe it or not one can actually progress faster in wisdom as they seek God alone without teachers. Far too many teachers these days are bringing false doctrine corrupting their students. It is better to seek Christ Who lives in you than to run after others.

Never pay much attention to the arrogant teachers who had to be trained by man to gain knowledge and who refuses to discuss anything because they think they have all knowledge.

Pay every attention to God's Word, the Holy Spirit that lives in us and actually obey what He tells you. If what you think He is telling you does not match with the Word of God, then ignore them and even get away from them.

1 Corinthians 8:1-2 "1 Now about food sacrificed to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. 2 The one who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know.…"

There is much knowledge false in our Christian churches but very little wisdom.

Proverbs 19:8 " 8 He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; He who keeps understanding will find good. 9 A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who tells lies will perish.…"

Spiritual Abuse

Christ is love, He never forced anyone, He loved sharing and caring. I am a strong believer who has also been abused by superficial and mean spirited legalists.

I left the organized churches because there was a lack of love, a legalism in things God never commanded. There was an attitude of forcing through intimidation and exclusion when we didn't think exactly the way they did. I desired everything to be done according to the Word of God, but was never allowed to speak of it, nor what it the desire of most of the people in these places.

The saddest part for me was that no one would discuss anything rationally and calmly, they raged when I differed with them and excluded with harsh gazes while they enjoyed one another and disapproved of me.

They didn't see us as having a disagreement, they saw me as a target to be diminished because I didn't think as they did. There is no doubt there is a lot of cliquiness in the organized churches today, with little love in them.

I am born again, but will never return to the organized church as long as I am walking with Christ. I love believers who love Christ, but many really don't, they just love themselves more than God and more than people. We attend a little gathering of about 10 people right now, the people are loving and kind but mostly they seem to be dedicated to everything according to the Word of God.

I have some wonderful Christian friends who do not intimidate, exclude and mock, but they are not all in one place, they are all over the world and some have also left the church, but have not left Christ. They love Him as I do and demonstrate love and kindness toward everyone.

Christ is love, He never forced anyone, He loved sharing and caring. I am a strong believer who has also been abused by superficial and meanspirited legalists. I

left the organized churches because there was a lack of love, a legalism in things God never commanded. There was an attitude of forcing through intimidation and exclusion when we didn't think exactly the way they did. This is spiritual abuse, merely to elevate human beings as special. In my estimation, no one is special only Christ and no one has anything to boast about or elevate self over what they think they are.

The saddest part for me was that no one would discuss anything rationally and calmly, they raged when I differed with them and excluded with harsh gazes while they enjoyed one another and disapproved of me. Questioning them was taboo, as though any questioning was allowed. I question all things, even God. I am so thankful that God does not rage at me for expressing myself, He just gives great and perfect answers.

Controllers and manipulators didn't see us as having a disagreement, they saw me as a target to be diminished because I didn't think as they did.

There is no doubt there is a lot of cliquiness in the organized churches today, with little love in them. I am born again, but will never return to the organized church as long as I am walking with Christ.

I love believers who love Christ, but many really don't, they just love themselves more than God and more than people. I have some wonderful Christian friends who do not act like this, but they are not all in one place, they are all over the world and have also left the church, but have not left Christ. They love Him as I do and demonstrate love and kindness toward everyone. In fact their relationship with Christ improved when they left the places where personal aggrandizement was rampant.

When we follow hard after Christ we will not be accepted in any organization, we will be rejected because we do not walk in lock step with them, we walk in lock step with Christ.

I praise the Lord that He found us a place to attend with very few people but who are dedicated to truth and love the day of His appearing. I have sense only love in this place and hope that they feel love from us.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8
4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,
5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails; but if there are gifts of [b]prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away."

1 Corinthians 13:1 "1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a ringing gong or a clanging cymbal."