Have you ever wondered why the children of narcissists are not close to one another?
The reason is that the narcissistic parents taught "by example" to be in continual competition with their spouse and even with their own children.
"More is caught than taught", this is why so often people tend to follow their culture with all of its commercials and propaganda to think the way they are being influenced more than thinking through things for themselves, we know from the state of the churches that most people do not seek Christ for their answers.
We are a lazy lot, we like to do what everyone else is doing rather than ponder things to make up our own minds. It is also the problem of addiction to being accepted by the culture around us.
We have actually been trained by the reactions of others to seek the approval of those around us rather than evaluate things to find out the truth.
This is also why we see so many people watching a two-minute video on the internet about a crime thinking we have enough information in that short clip to be able to judge the people in that video.
We have many people buying into all kinds of foolishness merely because someone said something that excited their sense of adventure.
I remember a video I watched in which a young man cut a banana in half as well as a kiwi fruit, placing half banana and the half kiwi in the dirt together while explaining that this would produce a kiwi banana fruit.
That is a banana that was yellow on the outside and kiwi green on the inside. There were people who actually believed this, even arguing with me that it was true. Interestingly enough no one ever saw a plant from that diverse union or any fruit from it. This was such bad science that those who were reasonably intelligent knew it was a silly joke. AND yet, some people believed it, said they would try it, and would not be convinced otherwise, arguing for their side even though it was all untrue.
This is the state of our world today, people are more likely to believe what they want because their life is full of feelings-oriented fantasy thinking. If they can think it up, it must be true, they believe. This is also why the antichrist will be able to do false miracles convincing most people in the world that he is God.
When our culture is more oriented toward fantasy thinking and feelings driven we are doomed. Rational thinking becomes unpopular, it is the fly in the ointment of the pleasure seekers. Those who point out the truth to those who have been led by the nose through their feelings and fantasy will be considered to have rained on everyone's parade, they are the pariahs of the community.
This was the way it was in the time of the apostles and the old testament prophets. They were considered insane and a problem to be eliminated by the rest of the ancient world.
Why would we think it would be different now? Born again believers who tell the truth, attempting to make good sense out of things according to God's Word are the modern-day pariahs.
In case someone doesn't know the word "pariah" it is a small fish that is dangerously carnivorous, even being known to eat human beings. The term has come to mean someone who is an outcast from society, someone to be feared and eliminated.
This is the way the mainstream media is treating Christians these days. It is also being taught in almost all venues by the example of the speech laws and the disapproving facial expressions on those who have contempt for born-again believers.
Here is how God said to act when faced with this disapproval.
Luke 6:27 "27 But to those of you who will listen, I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. "
1 Peter 3:8-10 "8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded and sympathetic, love as brothers, be tenderhearted and humble. 9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this, you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 10 For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech.…"