America will not turn to Christ, I am convinced, the Lord is revealing to me, it will not happen.
We are going down for the count, the government has been taken over by a dictator and his minions are determined to keep control any way they can.
We never thought it could happen here, our pride made us lazy in all things. We boasted so much about God being with us that we thought we could get away with anything and God would look the other way.
Our divorce and remarriage rate is off the charts. More babies are conceived out of wedlock than in marriage, shack up relationships are out of control. Preachers are not only, not preaching against these sins, they themselves are indulging in them. Some pastors having been married several times, endorse the sins of divorce and remarriage, while twisting Scripture to do it.
Abortion is so widespread that it has touched every family in some way. 55 million babies have been murdered, children sacrificed to the god of convenience and pleasure.
Porn and child abuse has sky rocketed in the past few years. Broken families are the norm now. Leaders in churches are being caught in the viewing of this filth.
A social gospel is being preached in one form or another in church gatherings, psychology rules nearly every action and reaction.
NO, God is not going to overlook this evil, nor is He going to let it go unpunished.
Those who think God is going to rescue us through the electing of conservative politicians must be joking. One cannot stay in politics now, without seriously compromising nearly every Biblical principle to remain.
NO! God is not going to save America. It is over now for us, our only hope is that we can reach the lost who are left, who are still open to the gospel, before the Lord comes. Any other aim is foolishness.