We know this is the case when the culture finds it acceptable to destroy inconvenient babies because their mother doesn't want the responsibility of raising a child. The child is sentenced to death for existing while the criminal doctor who kills it is paid a big salary and doesn't give one wit about the safety or well being of the mother.
We know this is the case when the culture had set aside all evidence even proof of the gender of a human being to decide to be whatever they want. But in reality what they want is not possible its all only in their minds. The idea that all one has to do is mutilate themselves in pretense to become what they will never be no matter what they do to themselves is insanity.
Many monarchies down through history had lead in their pipes causing them to become insane. Is it possible someone has slipped lead into the drinking water causing this rash of insanity across the nation?
Just Saying!!!
"Perilous (raging insane) times will come", they are here!