Saturday, January 25, 2014

What Daughters to their Moms

What's the old saying?

"What goes around comes around."

What children do to their Moms, grandchildren are watching and learning how to do it to theirs.

Food for thought! LOL

What Will Your Old Age Look Like?

I see clearly that our old age drops all it's guard to appear good, when we get too old to control all those inner feelings, the real us emerges in all its fullness, for everyone to see.

If we were crabby inside, but calm on the outside, our crabby will emerge in our old age. People do not become something they are not, all their lives, they just stop trying to impress others and the real self comes out.

Whatever you have developed in your inner being all your life, that is what others will see when we become too weary to keep up pretenses any more.

Take care to inventory your inner attitude, because one day it will expose you, not only in this life but in eternity.

If we think we can get away with pretending, remember that one day when we are too old and tired to care if anyone likes us, then we will be utterly exposed.

And, remember that God already knows, there is no fooling Him.

Our Speech Matter a Little But ONLY IF

Our speech matters only in so much as it reflects our lifestyle.

I found just recently that the word "conversation" in the old English meant your life example through attitudes and actions.

This is why I like to go back to the original text. If we are to read only the English translation we might think that it is our speech that needs to "becometh the gospel of Christ", but the actual meaning is that our entire life must reflect the gospel of Christ.

That is huge, if we speak only, but our lifestyle and attitude does not match our speech, then we are in disobedience and a reproach to the gospel of Christ.