The definition of worship: "respectful devotion—loving, honoring, and obeying someone who deserves our highest regard"
We do this every time we speak of Christ as we honor him through obedience to Him.
The born again believer worships in "Spirit and in Truth", no outward rituals are required for this mindset of worship.
The only rituals God gives us in our worship is the Lord's supper which Christ commanded us to do in remembrance of Him. And, the ritual of baptism to declare to others our new life in Christ as well as the head covering for the woman and lack of head covering for the man in the gathering as a representation of the woman as the church and the man as Christ.
There are no other outward rituals God commands for the believer. We need no buildings built to meet in, no vestments for men to wear, no special prayers devised by men, no knee bowing at the pew or any other outward sign. Our devotion to Christ is not in ritual but in heart loyalty to Christ and all His commands and principles. We add no human ideas to His, we do not take away from His commands to make them palatable to our culture.
What a freedom and peace we enjoy when we just follow Christ alone.