Often, people now believe if they think something it must be true.
The devil is placing evil thoughts in the minds of people to confuse, frustrate, and cause anger when nothing happened to foster these feelings.
Most people do not know the Lord, therefore, they do not understand the spiritual battle going on in their own mind. They have a feeling and determine that it was caused by someone else and then they proceed to vent the anger as though it was rational to do so.
The devil did this with Eve in the garden. He told her God was lying to her, making her disbelieve and disobey Him. His rules for Eve protected her but all she saw was that He was keeping something from her that she might want. The devil is doing the same thing today.
The world is exploding with irrational thinking because the minds of many are twisted up with lies from the devil. He is behind all the actions of the evil people, who seem completely out of control because they are out of control. The devil is working in their minds to make them believe things that are not true.
Ephesians 6:12
"12 For our struggle is not against [a]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."
This is what we are watching now in these end times, the completely irrational thinking and actions of those who have no defenses against the devil.
They think they are free from the influence of others but they are not free, they are in the worse bondage possible, under the control of an unseen enemy who is hell-bent on destroying them and anyone else he can influence them to destroy.
1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."
How does someone stop the influence of the devil in their lives? There is only one way, that is to believe in Christ and His finished work on the cross for their sins while asking to be changed into a new creation by Him. Anyone who does this will be changed by Christ and will no longer be under the power of the devil.
1 John 4:3-5 "…3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and which is already in the world at this time. 4 You, little children, are from God and have overcome them because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. 5 They are of the world. That is why they speak from the world’s perspective, and the world listens to them."
Rejecting the cultural Christianity I grew up with to embrace and enjoy a relationship with Jesus Christ. A place to come and share thoughts about almost anything. Especially things of the Lord. Please no Anonymous posts, I enjoy knowing who is writing to me.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
The Devil Lied to Eve
The devil lied to Eve convincing her she could be just like God. She believed him and it caused her to lose nearly everything she enjoyed.
This is going to happen to America! These people have boasted and bragged for decades about being number one in the world while systematically pushing out God in everything.
Even when the culture claimed they wanted God for their protection they dishonored Him in their lifestyles. Their devotion was to the lifestyle they loved not to God.
We have become the most powerful nation in the world and the greatest distributor of pornography, promoter of abortion, and the most accepting of all religious beliefs that undermine the Bible.
As a nation, we have promoted and enjoyed the freedom to sin all we want without societal restraints for many decades.
We are to the point now where the righteous who call sin what it is, are the ones being chastised as bad.
When we see this happening there is no point of returning to Christ or to the nation we enjoyed.
We are going down, the degeneration was slow at first, God is patient with us. Then the more we ignored sin, the greater the sin grew.
When a child is neglected by a lack of discipline he does not get better merely by growing older, he gets worse for lack of understanding that hurting others is a bad thing. In fact, others rarely enter his mind.
This is how we have become the nation we are, insensitive to others, selfishly calling bad good and good bad. Very few people in our country actually care about others, even their good deeds are to elevate self. Because of this attitude of self-glorification the nation "helps" in ways that are not helping at all. Worst of all we are now protecting and coddling the rebellious people at the expense of the majority.
Throwing money at schools does not change how they train the children in ungodly ways as well as working against good parents who know right from wrong.
Handing out clean needles for drug addicts is beyond stupid. Help would be to mandate getting off the drugs while being given jobs to be productive, restoring dignity to the former drug addict.
Legalizing debauchery, facilitating and promoting abortion, the murder of millions of our citizens, divorce, and remarriage and children taking their own parents to court has destroyed any semblance of the family in our country.
Promoting the woman leaving the home where she once nurtured and modeled service to others is nearly gone. Appealing to the pride of the woman to have a career of her own that motivated many women to leave their families to pursue personal aggrandizement has ruined our country.
The woman used to be the mainstay of the home. She kept things stable and orderly while her husband earned the living. Her career was her home and it was far more fulfilling if done Biblically, than any out-of-the-home career ever could be. She was shaping lives and promoting stability in the home.
Every Christian principle that prospered and promoted love in our culture has been ruined, disassembled by the liberals. And, sadly many Christians began accepting this model of rebellion because it made them "feel" special, bragging rights were high among these women. They talked of nothing else but their careers.
In the garden, the devil told Eve she could be just like God. In our age the devil made the woman think she should be just like men. that the men were superior and the women needed to catch up to them becoming superior to the men. A sort of ungodly competition.
Women homemakers were not inferior to the men and the men were not superior to the women. Both of their jobs, the wage-earning of the husband, and the support of that by the wife who stayed in the home were equal in value just different in function.
The devil has been tearing down God's ways in our country for the past 90 years when women left the home during WW2 while the men were at war. However, they liked their paycheck and their prestige and never went back to their homes. Then the liberals began to schmooze women telling them they were of no value in the home. That if they were to have value they must earn a paycheck.
Now we have men pressuring their wives to leave the home to have that paycheck. And, now we have only a few women compared to our population who are full-time homemakers doing what God intended and swimmingly fulfilled and happy with their lives.
Worse yet couples are not making marriage commitments to one another, they are not bothering to marry at all. Our churches are full of shack-ups who have no dignity or example for family life.
Can you see where this is going? We can never go back to the Biblical model of family life when the generation now has no idea what that looks like. They have become accustomed to the way things are and the good way, God's way, sounds strange and weird to them, even oppressive.
When homosexuality is called "a family" the nation has lost its moral compass and can never return to anything better.
Our mission now is to expose the disease of sin and present the cure which is Jesus Christ. It will not be accepted by many in a nation that has millions of Bibles in it but a denial of the principles of that book being common even rampant.
When a nation has as many Bibles as we do but denies its importance there will be no turning back to a generally moral culture. We have many churches and few born again believers, even in those gatherings.
Even those who attend churches do not want to seek the Bible for their lives, they seek the culture but not God.
Matthew 15:7-9 "…7 You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you: 8 ‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. 9 They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’”…
So what is the solution? Repentance from our sinfulness, turning to God to be cleansed by Him is the only solution for individuals. The entire culture will, not and perhaps there is no one left who wants to hear, but since we don't know we must keep speaking the truth and pray that some will listen.
We are living in the end times as described in 2 Timothy 3. Knowing this we plod along obeying God without expecting results, God will deal with results.
This is going to happen to America! These people have boasted and bragged for decades about being number one in the world while systematically pushing out God in everything.
Even when the culture claimed they wanted God for their protection they dishonored Him in their lifestyles. Their devotion was to the lifestyle they loved not to God.
We have become the most powerful nation in the world and the greatest distributor of pornography, promoter of abortion, and the most accepting of all religious beliefs that undermine the Bible.
As a nation, we have promoted and enjoyed the freedom to sin all we want without societal restraints for many decades.
We are to the point now where the righteous who call sin what it is, are the ones being chastised as bad.
When we see this happening there is no point of returning to Christ or to the nation we enjoyed.
We are going down, the degeneration was slow at first, God is patient with us. Then the more we ignored sin, the greater the sin grew.
When a child is neglected by a lack of discipline he does not get better merely by growing older, he gets worse for lack of understanding that hurting others is a bad thing. In fact, others rarely enter his mind.
This is how we have become the nation we are, insensitive to others, selfishly calling bad good and good bad. Very few people in our country actually care about others, even their good deeds are to elevate self. Because of this attitude of self-glorification the nation "helps" in ways that are not helping at all. Worst of all we are now protecting and coddling the rebellious people at the expense of the majority.
Throwing money at schools does not change how they train the children in ungodly ways as well as working against good parents who know right from wrong.
Handing out clean needles for drug addicts is beyond stupid. Help would be to mandate getting off the drugs while being given jobs to be productive, restoring dignity to the former drug addict.
Legalizing debauchery, facilitating and promoting abortion, the murder of millions of our citizens, divorce, and remarriage and children taking their own parents to court has destroyed any semblance of the family in our country.
Promoting the woman leaving the home where she once nurtured and modeled service to others is nearly gone. Appealing to the pride of the woman to have a career of her own that motivated many women to leave their families to pursue personal aggrandizement has ruined our country.
The woman used to be the mainstay of the home. She kept things stable and orderly while her husband earned the living. Her career was her home and it was far more fulfilling if done Biblically, than any out-of-the-home career ever could be. She was shaping lives and promoting stability in the home.
Every Christian principle that prospered and promoted love in our culture has been ruined, disassembled by the liberals. And, sadly many Christians began accepting this model of rebellion because it made them "feel" special, bragging rights were high among these women. They talked of nothing else but their careers.
In the garden, the devil told Eve she could be just like God. In our age the devil made the woman think she should be just like men. that the men were superior and the women needed to catch up to them becoming superior to the men. A sort of ungodly competition.
Women homemakers were not inferior to the men and the men were not superior to the women. Both of their jobs, the wage-earning of the husband, and the support of that by the wife who stayed in the home were equal in value just different in function.
The devil has been tearing down God's ways in our country for the past 90 years when women left the home during WW2 while the men were at war. However, they liked their paycheck and their prestige and never went back to their homes. Then the liberals began to schmooze women telling them they were of no value in the home. That if they were to have value they must earn a paycheck.
Now we have men pressuring their wives to leave the home to have that paycheck. And, now we have only a few women compared to our population who are full-time homemakers doing what God intended and swimmingly fulfilled and happy with their lives.
Worse yet couples are not making marriage commitments to one another, they are not bothering to marry at all. Our churches are full of shack-ups who have no dignity or example for family life.
Can you see where this is going? We can never go back to the Biblical model of family life when the generation now has no idea what that looks like. They have become accustomed to the way things are and the good way, God's way, sounds strange and weird to them, even oppressive.
When homosexuality is called "a family" the nation has lost its moral compass and can never return to anything better.
Our mission now is to expose the disease of sin and present the cure which is Jesus Christ. It will not be accepted by many in a nation that has millions of Bibles in it but a denial of the principles of that book being common even rampant.
When a nation has as many Bibles as we do but denies its importance there will be no turning back to a generally moral culture. We have many churches and few born again believers, even in those gatherings.
Even those who attend churches do not want to seek the Bible for their lives, they seek the culture but not God.
Matthew 15:7-9 "…7 You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you: 8 ‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. 9 They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’”…
So what is the solution? Repentance from our sinfulness, turning to God to be cleansed by Him is the only solution for individuals. The entire culture will, not and perhaps there is no one left who wants to hear, but since we don't know we must keep speaking the truth and pray that some will listen.
We are living in the end times as described in 2 Timothy 3. Knowing this we plod along obeying God without expecting results, God will deal with results.
"Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely"

This is true of pastors of churches!
Narcissistic Parents!
Narcissistic husbands!
Teachers in schools!
Governors of States!
Mayors of Cities!
Narcissistic husbands!
Teachers in schools!
Governors of States!
Mayors of Cities!
And many more who have been given power!!!!
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