I remember Christians looked the silliest right before the turn of the Millennium. They ran around warning people to stock up for all the disasters that were coming because of the Millennium bug. I didn't buy into it and neither did my husband. But nearly everyone else we knew who were Christians were frightened and worried.
My husband said it was silly, as a scientist knowing how these things work, he said there is going to be no problem. It didn't make sense to me either that there would be a problem, and yet, he could not convince those who were fearful.
Nothing happened just as my husband said, but it was interesting that all the people who bought into it never came back to say; "I was wrong." Isn't that interesting?
Those who continually boast of their personal knowledge about this virus only have what others have told them on the internet who they do not personally know.
The doctors say, just like the regular flu shot the vaccine helps so that if someone gets the virus the symptoms are much less severe.
I know of a doctor who treats the Covid patients, he says that the ones who end up in ICU and the ones that die are not vaccinated. The ones that are vaccinated do not have to be hospitalized and their symptoms are far less severe.
I am more likely to believe a doctor who deals with it every day whom I know, than the internet people who claim to be doctors. I have no idea who those people are but their opinion means nothing to me if I do not know them. I see far too many people seeking the internet for this matter than are seeking God.
Much of the disinformation on this matter is dealing with half truths without knowing all the facts.
Just as people who can get the flu even though they have had the flu shot, will experience far fewer symptoms as well as less severe, so I believe is this vaccine we are dealing with right now.
Of course, we can probably find people who have had reactions to the vaccine, just as we can find people who are allergic to peanut butter because some people can die from eating it. Do we go on a campaign to outlaw peanut butter?
I also, sadly, see many Christians treating vaccinated people as though they are stupid. This is ungodly considering that most of the information people are getting is from internet videos without proof of who these people are and whether or not they are telling the truth.
The deception on both sides is huge.
Believers need to stop running around warning people of something they know little to nothing about based on their personal prejudices toward political entities.
What should believers be doing? The answer is simple really, that is to focus on Christ, don't rush to others to find the answers rush to Christ.
It is possible and I believe likely that God would tell one person to get the vaccine and another not to, because His ways are higher than our ways, we do not know His purposes for each individual. Nor do we know each person's physiology.
Isaiah 55:8-9
8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts."