The Lord has been showing me over the past several years how intensely entrenched, is the unsaved person and even believers can be in the practice of lying. God said in His Word, "God is true and every man a liar."
I have begun to understand this principle much more after a little research and study on the act and attitude of liars. Very often I was quite sure someone was lying to me but could not prove it, and rarely I would confront someone on the lying and they would deny it.
Now I understand what was happening in my observances. Every person lies several times during any given day. It may be in varying degrees but nonetheless, it is still lying, from embellishing a fish story to add a few inches on a days catch, to making up completely untrue stories to gain friendships or ruin them.
The science of "Facial Action Coding System" has revealed that facial, hand and head movements can and do reveal that someone may be lying. There are many manipulative gestures and speech that can be evidence of lying.
If people knew just how effective this science is they may feel more insecure about lying so freely. It is a fascinating science and convinces me that our words mean very little, that what is really inside is what comes out in our actions. God said that "faith without actions is a dead faith" because our actions prove our faith.
We can say anything we want, that is easy, but our actions will prove if we are telling the truth. Our lying can be seen in our facial expressions, hand motions and head movements, if one is trained in this science. However, there are those who are born with the ability to tell if a person is lying without training. They are astutely aware of the small details of the body language, sometimes without realizing it. They know when someone is lying, even though they would not say they noticed the expressions, they were processing these actions in their brains instantly and could discern lying.
The reason for this short essay is to demonstrate that when we lie, some people can see that we are and One who sees for sure is our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. This mini study has given me more insight into the gravity of the problem of lying in all cultures. It is only through Christ that we can overcome a habit of lying, even in the smallest matters. When we seek the Lord for His Holiness, then He will give us hatred toward sin and the father of lies will no longer have a hold on us.
If we lie continually without restraint, then we will not be blessed by the Lord and His truth. God will not give us truth if we are liars, we will only lie about His truth. We may sound good in our words, and repeat His, but in our hearts we will not be living it.
Our culture thinks that as long as we say something that makes it true and if no one can prove we are lying then it is acceptable to do so. Lying is never acceptable, it is important to resolve to tell the truth always, when we fail we must repent. If we are unteachable, then we are living a lie and the truth is not in us.
We must stop pretending to love the Lord and actually dedicate ourselves to rooting out of us every form of lying and evil, that we might be daily cleansed and moving forward in our walk.
One day every lie that has not been dealt with will be open for all to see, we can only hide so long and then it will be exposed, whether we sought to live a holy life or a superficial one.