Monday, December 6, 2021

Israel and the Church

Mockers of Jesus' Return

Apostasy in the church

The Church in the Acts - J. B. Nicholson (Jr.)

How Darkness Overshadows A Narcissist's Legitimate Desires

I am convinced that devils are involved in the major influence of the narcissist's life. The devil was able to convince Eve that she could be a god-like Almighty God. Because of this, her relationship with God was broken. It is impossible to have a relationship with those who have no regard for us. We love them in spite of their hatred toward us but there will never be a relationship until they find Christ.

Overview: 1 Corinthians

This applies to Christmas trees in the church building. If there are believers there who would be offended by this pagan practice then we should refrain from having symbols of the Christmas season in the gathering. We can all do what we believe at home and leave off all the questionable things that may be offensive to others because of our love for them within the church gathering.

When there is disregard for the convictions of others there is no love.