Thursday, December 2, 2021

How The Megachurch Destroyed Christianity

What if all the mega-churches dissolved and all believers went into homes for worship with about 20-30 people in them. Every neighborhood would have many small buildings with on-fire believers in them impacting the neighborhoods. 

Instead, we have large churches that entertain their attendees who have little desire to be anything more than bodies in a pew nodding their head in bobble-head fashion in agreement with everything the appointed seminary-educated pastors say without question. 

Most of the pew people do not bother to read their Bibles at home because they have been indoctrinated to believe that only the man in the pulpit can know the truth. I was actually told this one time by a friend many years ago. I disagreed with what a pastor was saying, only to be confronted with; "you can't know, you didn't go to seminary." I asked my friend a question, "Oh, you mean the Holy Spirit only goes to seminary?" 

When the pew people sit bobble-headedly in the pew without response or interaction we end up with sleeping minds who are satisfied with having been in the pew, even if nothing of value happened there. 

Is it any wonder God shut down the churches during this pandemic? He was trying to send a message that most of what passes for Christianity in our day is man-made and disgusting to God. 

If anyone would take the time to evaluate everything that happens in these churchy-buildings up against the scriptures they would find out that not very much going on in them resembles the first century church. This is why God said we are in the days of apostasy, "everyone did what was right in their own eyes and no one would listen", was the comparison to the days of Noah. 

We are there folks, blind, deaf, mute, and disinterested in truth, the churches meet every week getting their ritualistic high, having met their obligation to appear for appearance's sake, but dead as doornails. I pray for those in the church as much as I pray for lost souls to be saved since most who attend these gatherings are the lost. 

 2 Timothy 4:2-4 "…2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. 3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.…"

Learning from the Animals

Have you ever wondered how much animals understand or what they can perceive about human beings?
I wrote this to a dear friend this morning who put up a funny poster about a dog. My response was as follows:
LOL, we have two Pom mixes. They can read our minds. My husband was just walking to the kitchen, nothing in his hand no words spoken to prepare a bath in the sink for the dogs. Sparky the male came running, he likes his bath, and Lady the female hightailed it under the bed to escape what she apparently knew was coming. She doesn't like her bath.
On many days I would hear rustling behind me while I was at the computer. The two dogs were talking to one another in looks and gestures and then they both began to bark very loudly at my back. It was clear that they had communicated with one another without making any sounds, that they would bark in unison to go outside.
I am always amazed at how the dogs seem to know what we are thinking. I am convinced they have a level of telepathic ability that we do not have. They do understand some English but often we aren't saying anything and they seem to know what we are going to do.
Because of my many years living with dogs and cats I have formed an opinion about their ability to communicate with one another and with humans.
Our dogs bark or run to the door, bring us their toys to throw for them, and other expressions of communication.
The cats have two ways of expressing their desires, they meow, and if we ignore them they get up on our tables and desks and knock things off. I saw a poster on Facebook once that said this: "we know the world isn't flat because the cats would have knocked everything off by now."
It is really true that dogs have a six-year-old mentality which is why they are so cute and enjoyable. They work to please us, when they are chastised they love up even more to gain our approval.
However, the cats are a two-year-old mentality, they are vengeful when they don't get their way. They meow until we do what they want. If we ignore them they sit on top of whatever we are doing to get our attention, if that doesn't work they push our things off of our tables and desks in a demanding expression.
Dogs are loyal companions, cats are independent and willful. Have you ever tried to train a cat? I have heard of some people being able to do so but I have not seen it for myself and have had no success in it.
Narcissists are like cats, they demand things and exact revenge if they do not get what they want.
Everyone should take a lesson from the dogs on loyalty and kind ways of resolving conflicts. The dogs will try to win us back again with love if they offend us or are in need of correction.
I love animals and believe it or not they can teach us a lot about life.

These Are the Days of Noah

Are You Caught Up in the Great Delusion?