Rejecting the cultural Christianity I grew up with to embrace and enjoy a relationship with Jesus Christ. A place to come and share thoughts about almost anything. Especially things of the Lord. Please no Anonymous posts, I enjoy knowing who is writing to me.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
The Prideful are Vulnerable
An excellent point
James Thornton:
"Pride is more easily manipulated than humility."
James Thornton:
"Pride is more easily manipulated than humility."
Tormented by Sin
Those who are tormented by the sin in their own heart often lash out at others over small and insignificant things.
I saw a quote on facebook in past months that made a lot of sense to me, I may not get exactly right but the gist is clear.
"Some people want to believe were bad people to make themselves feel better about how they treated us."
Demeaning and mocking others serves to elevate self, distracting from their own failures and frailties. Tormented by their own wretchedness, they go into attack mode just as wild dogs who are fearful, they will attack believing there is a threat because they know they are a threat.
Many things fearful people express as sins against them are merely the disagreements or corrections of others toward them. A prideful person sees every disagreement or correction as a threat to their very being. Since their emotional stability is dependent on feeling superior to others, they are enraged when confronted with their own flaws or imperfections. It is impossible for these people to ever confess their wrong attitudes or ask forgiveness. They leave a wake of broken relationships behind them as they steam roll over anyone who dares to confront them to be able to iron out an issue or care enough to help them grow spiritually.
The narcissist would rather lose a relationship than ever admit their flaw or sin against another. This is because the narcissist bases all relationships on their sense of superiority, it is not a mutual caring, only a supply of accollades toward the narcissist, that keeps the relationship going. There is no mutual admiration from the narcissist, only their need for the admiration of others toward them.
When a person dares to regard others as friends, loving them as we would love everyone else, there is anger in the heart of the narcissist that they were not regarded as more special than everyone else in our lives.
I choose to treat everyone as special, everyone gets hugs, loves, rebukes, correction and resolution of disagreements. No one gets to be one whom is counted as doing "everything right."
I value a friend who is willing to correct me as well as engage in loving conversation. It is impossible to develop a friendship with those who have secrets and those who will regard your secrets as ammunition against you when they think it will elevate them.
There are those who cause a stiffness when they walk into the room. All the joy rushes out of the room when they enter, their demeanor of self righteousness is so enveloping it stifles creativity or personality. There is a giant sucking sound as the joy is removed from the room by these spiritual vacuum cleaners.
If sin would be confessed there would be an amazing sense of relief in one's soul. When we are bound up by our unconfessed sin, there remains only a robot working feverishly to maintain an appearance that ultimately will be dissolved at the first sign of opposition. For the narcissist opposition needs only to be the slightest disagreement or correction.
The longer one refuses to confess, indulging in justification, the harder the heart becomes, the deeper the torment and guilt.
The remedy for the torment of guilt and lies is "CONFESSION", that alone is the cure for the sin sick soul that has desperately grasped tightly their own will.
1 John 1:9 " If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Remember, this is important; we will not be cleansed if we will not confess AND, if there is no cleansing the rottenness grows.
1 Corinthians 5:7 " 7 Get rid of the old yeast, that you may be a new unleavened batch, as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed."
There are those who would practice the feast of "Unleavened Bread" as a teaching tool, to cleanse from their houses all the leaven, as a ritual, but will not cleanse from their heart the leaven of contempt and rebellion against God's Word. Ritual is not very valuable when it is merely a show to impress others.
If one chose never to observe the feast, but they went to prayer for the Lord to cleanse their heart of the leaven, they would be doing the greater thing. It is easier to pretend on the outside for the prideful person than to seek to confess before God and man for the authentic cleansing.
I saw a quote on facebook in past months that made a lot of sense to me, I may not get exactly right but the gist is clear.
"Some people want to believe were bad people to make themselves feel better about how they treated us."
Demeaning and mocking others serves to elevate self, distracting from their own failures and frailties. Tormented by their own wretchedness, they go into attack mode just as wild dogs who are fearful, they will attack believing there is a threat because they know they are a threat.
Many things fearful people express as sins against them are merely the disagreements or corrections of others toward them. A prideful person sees every disagreement or correction as a threat to their very being. Since their emotional stability is dependent on feeling superior to others, they are enraged when confronted with their own flaws or imperfections. It is impossible for these people to ever confess their wrong attitudes or ask forgiveness. They leave a wake of broken relationships behind them as they steam roll over anyone who dares to confront them to be able to iron out an issue or care enough to help them grow spiritually.
The narcissist would rather lose a relationship than ever admit their flaw or sin against another. This is because the narcissist bases all relationships on their sense of superiority, it is not a mutual caring, only a supply of accollades toward the narcissist, that keeps the relationship going. There is no mutual admiration from the narcissist, only their need for the admiration of others toward them.
When a person dares to regard others as friends, loving them as we would love everyone else, there is anger in the heart of the narcissist that they were not regarded as more special than everyone else in our lives.
I choose to treat everyone as special, everyone gets hugs, loves, rebukes, correction and resolution of disagreements. No one gets to be one whom is counted as doing "everything right."
I value a friend who is willing to correct me as well as engage in loving conversation. It is impossible to develop a friendship with those who have secrets and those who will regard your secrets as ammunition against you when they think it will elevate them.
There are those who cause a stiffness when they walk into the room. All the joy rushes out of the room when they enter, their demeanor of self righteousness is so enveloping it stifles creativity or personality. There is a giant sucking sound as the joy is removed from the room by these spiritual vacuum cleaners.
If sin would be confessed there would be an amazing sense of relief in one's soul. When we are bound up by our unconfessed sin, there remains only a robot working feverishly to maintain an appearance that ultimately will be dissolved at the first sign of opposition. For the narcissist opposition needs only to be the slightest disagreement or correction.
The longer one refuses to confess, indulging in justification, the harder the heart becomes, the deeper the torment and guilt.
The remedy for the torment of guilt and lies is "CONFESSION", that alone is the cure for the sin sick soul that has desperately grasped tightly their own will.
1 John 1:9 " If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Remember, this is important; we will not be cleansed if we will not confess AND, if there is no cleansing the rottenness grows.
1 Corinthians 5:7 " 7 Get rid of the old yeast, that you may be a new unleavened batch, as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed."
There are those who would practice the feast of "Unleavened Bread" as a teaching tool, to cleanse from their houses all the leaven, as a ritual, but will not cleanse from their heart the leaven of contempt and rebellion against God's Word. Ritual is not very valuable when it is merely a show to impress others.
If one chose never to observe the feast, but they went to prayer for the Lord to cleanse their heart of the leaven, they would be doing the greater thing. It is easier to pretend on the outside for the prideful person than to seek to confess before God and man for the authentic cleansing.
Knowing is a Choice
"Before a man can know, he must want to know"
(from a line in the series "Lark Rise to Candleford.")
(from a line in the series "Lark Rise to Candleford.")
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