If you know nothing else about that church than the two following things, that would be enough to know the wickedness there.
The first matter is that of the "Mass", which is what the Catholic church calls its church service, the priest prays over the waffer, called the "host" and over the wine to turn it into the body and blood of Christ, this is called transubstantiation.
The use of the term "host", should give us a clue that the waffer holds the body of Christ within it after being prayed over by the priest.
Every Catholic believes that the symbols of the body and blood of Christ are changed into Christ's actual body for them to eat.
This is cannibalism, which God expressly forbids in His Word. God would never go against His own principles.
When Christ said "it is finished" then there was no more sacrifice required.
Hebrews 10:26
King James Version (KJV)
"26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,"
The second thing that is a monstrous violation of God's Word, within the Catholic church is the statement that "the pope is the Vicor of Christ."
He is counted as the mediator between God and man. God says the opposite of this in His Word.
1 Timothy 2:5
King James Version (KJV)
"5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;"
There are many more elements of the Catholic church that violate God's Word, satan is very cleaver in that, in recent years Catholics are beginning to use the same terminology as those who are born again, but with different meanings for their words.
A Catholic may say they believe they are "Christians saved by grace", but they don't mean the same thing that the Bible teaches.
When a Catholic says he is saved by grace, he means that he earns more graces with a great chance of getting to heaven every time he has to suffer or whenever he does a good deed. They offer these things up to gain graces from them, hoping that in the end they will have more graces than sins.
This thinking is similar to that of the Muslim faith that believes our sins and good deeds are weighed on a scale at the end, if the scale tips in the right direction, the good deeds out weighing the bad then they will go to heaven.
Unfortunately the father of Islam is the same father of Catholicism. One of the things that is happening more and more now is that the terminology of the believer is also being used by the wicked religions, confusing the weak minded and those who lack knowledge of their Bibles.
When we encounter these people, and are in discussion with them, we need to ask them their understanding of words, then compare it with God's Word, that will show us where their heart is.
A Catholic cannot be born again and remain in the church, the Holy Spirit will make them terribly uncomfortable with all the wickedness and heresy.