I see many photos on Facebook that look as though they have been altered, or photo-shopped. I fear that many people will believe anything if they see it with their eyes.
I watch how people are buying into all kinds of irrational conspiracy theories as though they saw them for themselves. They are believing things that make no sense at all according to the Bible, but are convinced because of charts and drawings and worse words from people they have never met and have no way of vetting.
The age of the great deception is here, in fact I am convinced there is more lying going on than truth telling in our culture today as we march toward the deception of the antichrist.
The antichrist will do many lying wonders that are deceptive and not miracles at all, but illusions.
If we are wise we will ask ourselves if something makes good sense rather than enjoying it because we have some fuzzy feelings.
Seeking sensationalism for its own sake is what is driving many Christians to believe things that, even if they were true make no difference in our walk with Christ.
When I ask them why even bother thinking about that particular conspiracy they tell me we should know. When I ask why we should know it, they attack me as though I am the foolish one for not continually ruminating on things that have nothing to do with the gospel and make no difference in our lives.
Knowledge for its own sake is not godly, it is Gnosticism, making important things that are not important and distracting many people from Christ while creating unnecessary arguments over things that do not matter. Pride is at the root of all this Gnosticism.
A sort of showing off to appear special and superior.
2 Thessalonians 2:9 "
"that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and false signs and wonders,"
1 Corinthians 8:1 "Now concerning food sacrificed to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge makes one conceited, but love edifies people."
Perhaps if every believer would pray for wisdom, disregard what the world is doing and know the principles of Christ much of what they enjoy would fall away and their purpose as a follower of Christ would deepen.