Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Demonic Activity on the Rise

I am convinced that there is a lot more demonic activity going on than we know about. The things people call "mental illness" are without a doubt the influence of demons if not possession.
Even those who are not mentally ill are experiencing irrational feelings, feelings that make them dislike someone for no reason at all.
The devil did it in the garden with Eve. His thoughts to her mind made her doubt God. He made her believe God withheld information and didn't have her best in mind.

There is what we might call "drama" going on in relationships that make no sense. People are easily angered over the smallest matters.

John 10:10
""The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

Satan is the destroyer of everything and everyone God loves. When we see these things happening we must pray, resist the thoughts placed in our minds and operate according to truth rather than feelings. The devil uses feelings more than anything else to cause people to react to things that are not even there.

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The Conspiracies are the Conspiracies

Making people fearful is the job of the devil.

There are so many conspiracy theories out there based on scanty information and much of it if false science.

I remember when people were worried about Y2K as though the world was going to come to a roaring halt because of the computer crashes.

This never made sense to me because I am simple-minded and thought that we would just go back to the old ways until it was all figured out.

Guess what, nothing happened and my husband who is a scientist said it was all silly and that it would be figured out when it is needed. Guess what again, it was figured out. The world carried on without a pause into the year 2000.

I don't know how much of these theories are true but one thing for sure, there is nothing we can do about what is going to happen.

Spending too much time on all these conspiracy theories will cause a famine of the word of God. It will cause unnecessary fear as well as a lack of faith that God will be with us no matter what He chooses for us to endure.

People were afraid of the telephone wires when the telephone first came out. They were invented in 1854. Here we are more than 165 years later, the phone wires have not harmed anyone. They have even progressed to cell phones without wires, now people are worried about the radiation from the 5G towers just like they worried about the telephone wires of the past.

Every new technology is feared by disinformation and lack of knowledge.

There is radiation in everything, our bodies have it, our furniture has it, it is in everything. One can get more radiation from standing next to a mountain than from sleeping with their spouse.

The nuclear power plant in our region was feared by some people when there was no more radiation emanating from it than there was from the trees in the forest.

Even when Three Mile Island failed it did not release radiation into the environment. All the safety back up systems, about sixteen of them, kicked in and not one member of the public was harmed.

There was harm in the Chernobyl accident because they did not have containment around the power plants in Russia as we do here in the United States.

If you believe we are entering the end times without the possibility that any of us can do anything to divert what is coming, then we must also have the faith to carry on in this world until Christ takes us out.

Nothing will happen to a born again believer that God has not ordained to happen. Also, our confidence in Christ in these times of uncertainty will show the world around us that our trust is not in man, not in technology and not in ourselves, but in Christ alone.

It's good to see the things that are happening and call them what they are because they are prophesy happening. There is no problem in watching and exposing, but the problem comes when we spend far more time on these things than we do on the things of God.

There is so much instruction in the Word that we need to have to grow in holiness and to become bold in sharing the gospel. The more time we spend on things of the Lord the less time to indulge in the conspiracies that are out there. I am aware that much more is going on than we know about or can know about, and it can be interesting at times. However, so many things we have heard on the internet are not true, they sound very scientific but are not accurate.

My husband is a godly man and a scientist, I believe him when he tells me not to worry about something.

The anti-nukes for years told lies about the nuclear power plants' ability to blow up like a bomb, none of it was true. They sounded so convincing to those who were not scientifically minded that many were convinced. These plants are not made like a bomb, they don't have the necessary components to be like a bomb. But the anti-nukes had people believing with their false science that the plants could blow up.

This is why I take with a grain of salt the pseudo-science that is constantly on the internet proclaiming danger everywhere. My husband is a former nuclear engineer having worked in the industry for most of his life, he knows the science in the new technologies and is able to separate fact from fiction. Most of the fear out there is based on fiction and hype.

Those who were caught up in the Y2K scare would not believe us when we said there is no danger, nothing will happen. And it didn't.

1 Chronicles 16:11
"Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!"

Honor God by Remaining at Home!

The question arose; "should we defy the government and attend the gatherings in the church buildings or should we obey the government and remain at home?

I have no problem with staying at home to worship because God's church is the people who love Him. We were never told to build the buildings for many people to meet at one time. The first-century church met in homes.

Born again believers can worship and pray in their homes. They have no need for a building. Also, the early church didn't have a one-man pastor who was paid a salary. Most of what we do today in the gatherings are not Biblical.

We are told to obey the government when the government is attempting to protect the people.

Romans 13:1-7 "13 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except [b]from God, and those which exist are established by God.
2 Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God, and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.
3 For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same;
4 for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.
5 Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake.
6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing.
7 Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor."

We are a witness to the community that we care about them. That we do not stop worshiping but that we don't jeopardize the health of others in the process.

Those who defy the government merely to appear like martyrs are showing off.

The apostles didn't try to escape jail they praised God and sang in that jail. It was God Who let them out when He decided.

Jesus didn't escape the Romans when they crucified Him. The apostles didn't escape when they were stoned or crucified.

I am convinced that God closed the apostate churches because they were an abomination.

Praise, worship and pray in your homes with your families. If you cannot do it there then what you do in a building gathered by many people is phony.