Sister Karebear said this in a comment. I was pleased to hear it, because we encounter it all the time. Here is the conversation.
Sister Karebear said this; "This is why, I think, people even cut in front of me in line at the grocery store! They see our light and feel we won’t do anything. I say, what’s written on my face, please cut in front of me?!!! Lol Others see our light/HS, and it can cause them to get squirmy around you and even cause agitation to argue or fight with you. I have learned to not speak and just remove myself from the situation. People without Holy Spirit will not understand. The Holy Spirit says be still and leave."
Gwendolyn Wehage said this;
"Karebear Yes, there are those who are brazen enough to challenge the Holy Spirit, even seeing goodness and kindness as a weakness.
However, every action against us is an opportunity to remain faithful to the passage, "bless those who curse you", we may not be able to influence the rude person who sees us as weak but we are in a line where others may enjoy our light and be influenced by it.
Also, and this is a big "also", the very least and best that can happen is that we remain Christlike no matter how anyone else is acting. Even if the rude person thinks we are weak and they have won, does not mean we are weak and it does not mean they have won. The stronger person is the one who obeys Christ no matter the persecution."
The best thing we can do is not allow a narcissist to win by becoming like them. The objective of the devil is to destroy our character and our witness by goading us into acting like the devil instead of like Christ.
Proverbs 26:4-5 – "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. The self-confident fool thinks too highly of himself and his opinions, and he shares them freely."
If we ignore the fool and remain Christlike we win their silly little competition, we don't play and they lose power over us.