Monday, January 17, 2022

WARNING! Pretenders/False Teachers in the Church. Pt.1

Words all by themselves are meaningless if they are not accompanied by consistent actions!

We live in a culture now that thinks as long as they say something it makes that thing equivalent to actions.
James 2:17-19 "…17 So too, faith by itself, if it does not result in action, is dead. 18 But someone will say, “You have faith and I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. 19 You believe that God is one. Good for you! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.…"

The Devil Wars Against the Holy Spirit!

At some point, the devil motivating the unbeliever's mind will have to express itself against the Holy Spirit in us.
I have lost several "Christian" friends over the years because they refused correction by the Scriptures.
Unbelievers do avoid us and the pretenders in churches are unbelievers, they remain angry at us all the time until one day they can no longer hold it in and they will express it.
I no longer feel hurt when the Lord reveals to me someone is a pretender and I must walk away. Usually, they walk away from me, leaving me a sense of relief that the contention is gone.
When we find ourselves having to walk on eggshells because of a rebellious contentious person there is the sense not of loss but of release from the responsibility of friendship with someone who does not love Christ, when they avoid us.
Most often I find myself not having to remove myself, the pretenders usually remove themselves because they find they cannot control or influence me to be like them.
As we walk in the Holy Spirit we become stronger every day, in the sense that we cannot be motivated by intimidation to capitulate to the ways of the ungodly. Losing a friend is far less disturbing than losing our closeness to Christ. In fact there is no comparison at all.
Anyone who does not love our God has no connection to us because they will continually defy the ways of God in an attempt to deter us from our God-ordained mission.
Psalm 1:1-2 "1Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or set foot on the path of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers. 2But his delight is in the Law of the LORD, and on His law he meditates day and night.…"
When we walk with Christ we are full of joy, peace, and purpose, unbelievers are intimidated by these qualities and must remove themselves or attempt to make us like them.
Psalm 5:10
"Declare them guilty, O God; let them fall by their own devices. Drive them out for their many transgressions, for they have rebelled against You."
Psalm 1:1-3
"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."
God's purpose for us is paramount to our lives. It is everything to us and we cannot be deterred from it.