There is lots of gossip going on among family members these days. Satan convinced Eve in the garden that God had lied to her to keep her from becoming like Him.
One of the devil's favorite tactics is to lie against your dedication to truth, even demean your good deeds to make you appear stupid for doing them. Just ignore him, he is less than nothing! Those who listen to the devil will be dealt with one day, that's God's business.
If the devil can turn family against godly members, he can manage to cause us to give up speaking truth.
Don't let him do it, don't be intimidated by the mocking, intimidation and silent treatment. Just keep on telling the truth and be content to be alone with God if that's what it takes.
If our friends must be far away, that's alright, we will be seeing them at the marriage supper of the Lamb. Right now we fight the battle in prayer as we continue to grow in holiness.
Someone who defends their sin is someone who remains blind.
A sheep is authentically meek, but bold. A goat is a pretender, playing a roll, while intensely arrogant. There is no authenticity about the goat only an appearance of such. Give it time, a little challenge will be all it takes for the real goat to emerge.
We have all met these people. Some have Bible knowledge but lack kindness, empathy and understanding. They depend on their knowledge of the Bible to gain an appearance of wisdom, but lacking it.
Proverbs 18:2-3 "2 A fool does not delight in understanding, but only in airing his opinions. 3 With a wicked man comes contempt as well, and shame is accompanied by disgrace.…"
Does anyone believe our country has not gone mad?
Pushing the homosexual agenda and promoting the 10,000 person naked bike ride through the streets of the city, while at the same time railing on Christians for having a prayer vigil around a flag pole, makes no sense at all.
Bratty self absorbed people demand the right to practice their immorality while refusing to allow others to speak truth that promotes safety, kindness and love.
I don't know about you but I am looking forward to getting out of this irrational mess!!!!
It is becoming harder to express our Christianity as more people become hostile at the suggestion that righteousness is a good thing.
Proverbs 14:8-9 "…8 The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, but the folly of fools deceives them. 9 Fools mock the making of amends, but goodwill is found among the upright."
I have experienced it many times in my life, the hatred emanating from those who hate the joy of the righteous. They do everything in their power to undermine and destroy the principles of those who love God.
If these God hating individuals cannot destroy us they will seek to turn others against us, through lies and gossip. And, the saddest thing of all is that many of these destroyers are Christians within our own groups.
May the Lord bless with courage and joy all those who are experiencing the attacks of the evil one, that is Satan.