So many false doctrines are coming forward in these last days. In the last days, the Bible says that “even the elect will be fooled, if that is possible” and the meaning is that those who are born again are able to be fooled by many false teachings because they are exposed daily to the writings and concoctions of ungodly people who not only do not seek God but who enjoy proving the Bible wrong, they are influenced by devils.
Matthew 24:24 “For false christs and false prophets will arise and will provide great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.”
Angels or devils are created beings having no power to create a human being in the womb of a woman, only God the Father could do this.
The angels or devils have no seed of their own. They do not even pro-create among themselves. The only way they would be able to do this is if they had the same power God has to “create” things out of nothing. Only God can send His Spirit over a woman and place within her a man child who was Jesus Christ.
We never hear of angel babies except in Greek mythology written by men.
God said “everything after its own kind”, in reference to the species upon the earth. Angels are an entirely different species of being than human beings.
Humans can’t even mate with animals and produce anything and they each have a seed, but their seeds do not mix with anything else but their own kind of seed.
Genesis 1:24-25 “ 24 And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, land crawlers, and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so. 25 God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that crawls upon the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.…’
It is a violation of Scripture to believe an angel species could mate with a human species.
Men of God were godly men who married the daughters of men who were pagan women.
The Bible never states that giants in the land had anything to do with angel and human interaction.
God merely states that there were giants in the land at the time of the godly men marrying the pagan women. They were there but not a result of the union of these humans.
The teaching of devils mating with humans is based on a pagan and blasphemous book called “Enoch.” Enoch was very likely a common name in its day, just because there is a book by this name does not mean it was the Enoch of the Bible who wrote it. And, there is a big possibility that the book was a hoax created by paganistic storytellers.
It is blasphemous to say that devils could do the same things as God the Father could do in creating a human being in the womb of a woman as God did with Jesus Christ in the womb of Mary.
The book of Enoch states that the giants were over 400 feet tall. There is no Biblical evidence that there were ever giants that tall. The tallest we see mentioned in the Bible were 9 feet. And, there is no scientific evidence of any man, no bones found that prove there were ever humans this tall.
Without a seed, without the power of God, and with devilish hatred against God it is understandable that the devil would want mankind to believe that he had the same power as God did. After all, he tried to overthrow God and was expelled from heaven by God for his effort.
It makes sense that the devil would attempt to influence humans to believe he has the same power that God does. Because of his determination to overthrow God, he will do anything to undermine the faith and truth in born-again believers. Until this very day, the devil has deceived himself into believing he can destroy God. When he fails to do so he attempts to convince humans that he can do all the things that God can do.
There is a saying; “when someone cannot control you they will control how others see you.” We know this tactic comes from the devil. He is working to destroy mankind’s relationship with God by deceiving men into believing false things about God.
Just as so many people are deluded into many ideas based on their feelings and desires they think the mere choice to believe something makes their belief valid and will bring about what they want. So too, the devil is choosing to believe he can ruin God by ruining God’s followers with monstrous foolish and blasphemous beliefs that undermine the principles and power of God.
Satan knows his time is short and that he is headed for the fires of hell, and yet he still continues to operate as though he can do something to thwart God’s plan for him.
In our culture today many people, including some believers, are operating as though they can create whatever they want by merely speaking it from their own mouths. They do not understand that they are attempting to do what God did, that is speak into existence whatever their heart desires. This is devilish thinking too because only God can speak into existence anything.
There are more deceptions in the church today than have ever been in 2000 years. As the end-time progresses toward the tribulation, we are watching prominent and educated men of God falling into all kinds of deception because of their desire to be seen as superior to others.
Proverbs 2:3-5
“Yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.”
The modern preachers are violating much scripture because they are seeking books written by men to appear educated far more than they are seeking God. They are believing things that violate God’s Word and even fight to defend them when confronted with their error.
When human beings have been influenced by the devil to believe they can be just like God, they begin to pretend they can do the things He did. They claim they have His power over matter and time, when it is nothing more than an illusion brought about by the devil’s influence in their mind, just as he did with Eve in the garden. He influenced Eve to distrust God and to act out that distrust by defying Him.
There is a danger in reading unbiblical books that humans claim have godly wisdom within their pages. We are living in a time when the devils are influencing people through books that were not inspired by God but were actually inspired by the devil.
Enoch is one of these devilish books that has influenced believers and very sadly even prominent well-known preachers have bought into this monstrous lie about the devils mating with human women.
It defies logic to do what so many preachers do, they take a thought out of one of these ungodly books and develop scenarios to fit the Bible.
The book of Enoch states the height of the giants were over 400 feet tall, but the preachers who believe in hybrid humans never tell us this because they know it sounds outlandish so they just leave this part out.
They do not speak of all the other blasphemous things that evil books say, to embrace what they want to convey, attempting to make the Bible fit the book of Enoch.
So many believers do this with psychology and other human ideas, they mix the worldly wisdom which is foolishness with the Bible and concoct their own desired ideas to justify the sin of their desires. In doing this they have to continually take a passage of the Bible out of context and move it to another part of the Bible that fits more with their desired belief. They do this often with other ungodly books written by men who are not born-again.
It is vitally important that when we read the Bible we do not go “verse by verse” but passage by passage. We must read every verse within its context and within the context of the Bible as a whole. Every verse within its context will never be contradicted in any other part of the Bible, it will mesh with the rest of the context of the Bible. And, above all, any teaching must be prefaced by seeking the Holy Spirit so as not to become proud of our own ideas, making things say what sounds good to us or what might be wrong but impressive to others.
Isaiah 28:10
“For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:”