Sunday, February 8, 2015

True Believers Will Stand With Israel

Prime Minister Netanyahu is coming to America to address our congress, and our president and his vice president are going to arrange not to be there, in an act of shunning. If that isn't the height of disrespect and anti-semitism, I don't know what is.

Little do these wicked leaders know, they will be held accountable by God one day for their evil against the Jews.

I reject the evil that our government is doing in turning its back on Israel. I also reject the theology of "Reform" that encourages this kind of disrespect for God's people.

Anyone who is in a "Calvinist" or "Reform" church need to go to prayer in repentance for their rejection of Israel.

I want so desperately for the Prime Minister to know that not all Americans agree with our Islamic president, that we stand against him and stand with Israel. Those who are true believers in Christ, will not be against Israel, I want Netanyahu to know it is the Christians that stand with him.