I do believe that dogs converse, in another language we do not perceive. Their speech develops from undiscerned utterances, although colorful and expressive, they make their thoughts known to one another.
The two dogs of which I speak are called Esau and Jacob, two are as one. Each bares the marks of a mother in common. One is opposite the other, although most curious, both are still the same.
Esau possesses the body of the the herder kind, with the face and color of the German sort.
Jacob, although sharing the blood of Esau, has the face of the herder and the body of the Deutsche. They are most inseparable, as they guard their domain, faithfully discharging their duties as protectors while delighting in their function.
One day as they recline in their beds of grass, they turned their heads to scrutinize the expression of the other. Esau exudes an utterance, half growl and half howl as he makes himself known to Jacob. Jacob responds with a similar intonation.
Several modulations of this sort transpire until each rises from his position and shares a joint howl. Was this a discussion on the benefits of communal howling? We shall never know I suppose. But what sport it was in watching the caper, a memory never forgotten and barely believed by those who were not witness.
Do dogs really converse, my answer most clear, is a resounding yes, not only do they share thoughts but they do it with delineation. Trying with humans they do, with a little success, oh how marvelous is God's blessing, the dogs!