Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Satanic Strongholds are Growing More Blatant and in Greater Numbers.

There is a town in Minnesota called "Anoka" in which my mother grew up. She lived on the outskirts of that town on a farm in a huge farmhouse that her family rented. She described this home as so big in the hall upstairs that when her aunt came to live with them all of her furniture fit in that hall.
I was perusing the internet today looking for a possible old mansion that was in the area of Anoka, wondering if I could get a glimpse of the old home my mother always spoke about.
I was in Anoka a number of years ago passing through but didn't have time to investigate anything while there.
I didn't find the home, but what I did find was a little shocking. The town of Anoka prides itself on being the Holloween capital of the world.
This little town has a Halloween parade and many festivities as well as tours of all the haunted old mansions that are still standing.
Having begun the carnival-type activities in 1918 in an attempt to stop the chaos in the street caused by wild people celebrating Halloween, The planners of the festivities in order to calm things down, created the festival with booths for seances, tarot card reading, evil looking ghostly figures like scarecrows all over town. The more frightening the better, as well as food and fun things with which to frighten themselves. In other words this was what my mother grew up thinking was fun.
My mother was raised in the Lutheran church so when she moved to Oregon at age sixteen with her parents that was the denomination they attended.
At these festivals in Anoka, they have men walking around in white coats with blood all over them as though they had killed something and many other bizarre and terrifying ghoulish-looking costumes. In other words, they are celebrating evil, demons, and mayhem.
Part of me understands why I was raised in a family that disregards Christ even though they attend church. I was raised on Halloween as a happy fun time of year to go out getting candy. We didn't dress up in anything because we were a relatively poor family but we celebrated the season along with the rest of the culture.
We were never told Halloween was an evil time just the opposite. My brother as a teenager loved the most frightening rubber mask he could find and would run around terrifying the children with it as though this was all great fun. Our parents went along with the joke endorsing what he was doing and everyone laughed.
Having been raised on Halloween as a child myself I continued the tradition with my own children for the first part of their lives until I became born-again. After I trusted in Christ my eyes were opened wide to the demonic nature of this Holiday and I wanted nothing more to do with it.
I was involved in the Catholic religion before I was saved and married my husband, we married in the Catholic church.
After my husband became born-again, new in the faith, he agreed that we would not allow the children to dress up as anything evil, but he still wanted to do it. I made a rule that if we had to hand out candy we would also place with it a Christian tract so that the foolishness of the holiday was not totally wasted, and he agreed that would be alright. So each child that came to our door God a gospel tract.
So many Christians think their children will miss out on something if the children don't have all the holidays everyone else is celebrating. It's not true, all the holidays are promoted by the parents and the public school system. If the parents never did it and the children were homeschooled they would not miss what they never had.
The point of this article is to demonstrate that there are Satanic strongholds in our country, the west coast is one of them and the state of Minnesota is another. Both are very liberal and culturally Christian areas that thrive on false religion and rituals to carry them but lacking concern about authentic salvation.
There are other places too that are dominated by devils. Since the devils couldn't fool some Christians" by promoting blatant evil to be seen by everyone, the devils used another tactic, making religious ritual and cultural ways more important than God's Word.
This is why we see far more phony Christians everywhere than we find authentic believers dedicated to Christ, even unto death.
Everywhere we have lived I have encountered many people who claim to love the Bible but have little knowledge of it. It is more like an amulet in their home to ward off devils but not something one actually reads to obey God. If they do read it they ignore all the things they don't like that would go against the cultural standard. And, sometimes even worse they deliberately misinterpret the Bible to fit the lower cultural standard, a sinful standard.
I know this because of the frustration and even rage that comes from people when we correct them from the word of God, their first response is to act as though we have done something rude instead of feeling ashamed that they dishonored God.
Mark 7:13 "13 Thus you nullify the word of God by the tradition you have handed down. And you do so in many such matters.”
2 Timothy 4:2-4 "…2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. 3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."
Those who have sought after Christ will remember their own stories like this in which they encountered more cultural Christianity than truth among those who attend church gatherings every week to the end of their lives.

Giving Up or Not Giving Up

Many people in our culture think that "not giving up" is the highest virtue, but I see it another way. It is not about whether or not we give up, it's whether or not God told us to stop trying at something He doesn't want us doing.
We are to walk away when God tells us to, we must be sensitive to what God wants. "Not giving up" is not a virtue in and of itself, sometimes we are told to stop hoping for what God does not want.
There is a saying; "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result." Einstein said this, he was a scientist so his assessment did not include an action in which God may want us to hang in there until His timing is right.
When we keep trying to make something happen and it keeps failing it may be that God is preventing it because He has a different plan from yours.
Isa. 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint”
It's possible that God wants you to keep doing what you are doing until He changes the circumstances, or it is possible He wants you to walk away and leave the final decision to Him.
One might say, "that's too confusing, which should I do?" The answer is far more simple than most people can accept. The answer is that we must seek Christ and make no moves until He makes it clear what He wants. When it is His will it will fall together easily without our striving to figure it out or make it happen.
Psalm 27:14
"14 Wait for the Lord;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the Lord."
It is far more courageous to wait on the Lord than it is rushing in to do your own heart's desire. Trusting in ourselves often has unintended consequences that don't work out.
Psalm 62:5
"5 My soul, wait in silence for God alone,
For my hope is from Him."
We can trust God in everything, even when we don't see movement we know He has our best in mind.