The Simple Can Be Wise Too!
I am not really interested in all the high minded
terminology that tends to elevate self rather than bring clarity to any matter.
The Bible is simple, it is only difficult for those who want
to make it so to be able to sin.
I hope that those who indulge in high minded vocabulary,
will dump all their seminary training and esoteric (meanings meant to be
understood by only a few) minded falderal (trivial or nonsensical fuss.).
The Bible is simple to understand under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, no need appear special or highly educated to bring Holy Spirit
sense to any discussion.
Those who walk in pride must always elevate themselves to
appear special. Unfortunately these kind of people tend to confuse things more
time than they clear them up.
The Gospel is simple, the principles of God are simple and
even the deep things, when the Holy Spirit enlightens us, are simple too.
Psalm 119:130 "The unfolding of Your words gives light;
It gives understanding to the simple."