Sunday, July 21, 2024

No One Hated Their Own Flesh

No one hated his own flesh according to God.
Ephesians 5:29 "29 Indeed, no one ever hated his own body, but he nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church."
Psychology says that people who do harm to themselves hate themselves. The reality is that people who do harm to themselves are motivated by anger at God Who created them.
I have good examples of this, the adopted children who were accepted into a family at an older age but did not feel grateful. These people were angry that the adoptive parents were a part of the system that took them away from their natural parents.
Instead of accepting the new parents and desiring to learn good things from them, they fought against every teaching and every good example they saw in a stance of revenge.
Because of this unfounded revenge the older adopted children chose to do things deliberately hurtful to themselves knowing the adoptive parents would be grieved by it.
I have seen adoptive children destroy their own lives in revenge on the adoptive parents. This is what people who seek to harm themselves when they are deeply angry, they want to hear the heart of God Who created them.
Irrational anger based on false thinking never thinks clearly about the truth but rather it devises false reasons to be angry to torment those who helped them.
We saw this when Christ went to the cross. He died to pay the penalty for our sinful nature, even healing people and saving their souls from hell but their response was to murder Him. Christ did only good every moment of His life here on earth and yet the response of most people was to reject Him, mock Him, and even kill Him.
There are many people I have met who are rebellious so much so that when they are given the truth that might help them, they rage and dig in their heels to go the opposite way.
So many people in the churches are choosing to go their own way while claiming they believe in Christ. However, they don't realize that authentic belief is to do what God wants, never to ingore His word or change it to fit our own desires. Just saying something means nothing, "faith and works go together", we cannot claim to have faith in Christ while ignoring or changing His Word.
John 14:15. "This passage means that following Christ's commandments is both a sign and a test of love for him. The "commands" include all of Jesus' words and teachings, which are God the Father's words." Got Questions
John 14:15-16 "15 If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. 16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever—…"
Those who rage against the truth while attending church gatherings are not born again, they are pretenders.