Some thoughts the Lord gave me this morning as I was pondering His Word.
A fool chases after pleasure only to find emptiness at the end of their life. The pleasure only has comfort while doing it, after it is over there remains emptiness.
Proverbs 10:23
Wealth and fame are like addictions, the more we get the more we want and the less satisfied we become.
1 John 2:15-16
We forfeit what God made us in order to become like others. John 15:19
At the beginning of our lives, we have a whole future ahead of us, but as we age we realize how short our lives have been and how fast the years fly.
James 4:14
Those given to pleasures of life think about how they will spend their time, those who seek God want to use their time wisely. Psalm 39:4-5
Each person can only be completely what God made him when He does not look to the culture around him to influence who he becomes. Isaiah 45:22
For the born-again believer seeking God is a continual adventure of spiritual and emotional growth through all the experiences of life. We must take hard and easy circumstances, both grow us into what God meant for us to be. James 1:12
It is better to spend more time with God in silence than we do with people in conversation.
Proverbs 2:1-5
He who does not enjoy Christ does not have freedom. Even those who think they are free by doing things their own way are actually in bondage to themselves. It is Christ Who frees us from ourselves. Galatians 5:1
Intellectualism creates pride making the one who chases it unsociable and unusable for Christ.
1 Corinthians 8:1
Seeking happiness destroys emotional and spiritual growth. The more we grow the less we seek the pleasures of the world. Joy comes but happiness is based on circumstances and is fleeting. Psalm 16:11
Those who walk with Christ are never bored, even in the pain of life we have joy and hope. We are not focused on this world but on Christ. Psalm 16:11
When we fear loneliness we will be caught up in the trap of seeking people rather than Christ for our companionship. Romans 12:2
Those who have compassion for people and animals can only be this way if they have an inner spirit of kindness. Proverbs 12:10
The kindness resides in us before the actions take place. A cruel person, if only cruel to those they dislike but kind to those they like is a cruel person. A kind person is kind to everyone all the time. They cannot be cruel to anyone because there is only kindness on the inside. Mark 7:20
When we see things from God's perspective we get a much more spiritual and wise view of life that helps us evaluate things as they arise. 1 Corinthians 2:16
Those who spend more time on the things of this world are less oriented toward evangelism and encouraging believers in the way of righteousness.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Every single principle of life and every single circumstance in life have principles from God's Word to guide us. When something is not specific to our encounters then we can ask the Holy Spirit to give us the specifics that prove the Biblical principle. We ought never to violate God's word to do something right. If it is right then it will have a principle or life story in the Bible. The Bible is our map, Christ is the One with the map.