Friday, October 25, 2019

The Woman Who Died, the Son's Loss

I remember a godly woman once telling me she attended a memorial for a godly friend of hers. The deceased person had a son who had not spoken to or seen his mother in 40 years.

It was at that memorial that the son showed up with deep sadness and bereft countenance. When the friend of the deceased approached the son to convey her sorrow at his loss, the son said to her this: "In all my years I don't remember doing anything for my mother, not one thing."

He probably always thought some day he would go and see her again but just never bothered because his life was full of himself and his own desires. Now that his mother was dead there was no way to get the time back or even speak his regrets to her.

As a godly woman the deceased one felt only joy and great glory having passed into eternity to be with Jesus. But the son lived out the rest of his life with deep regret not knowing where he was going, wondering if he would ever be able to express to his mother his changed heart.

The ungodly do realize at times their loss but it does not save them and they are left with no comfort.

As an ungodly unsaved man this son did not have the hope that anything would be made right again. His sorrow was greater than that of his dead mother. She had no regret, her hopes and dreams were fulfilled forever.

The son's thoughts might have been: "if only I had picked up the phone to discuss things and find out the heart of my mother", "If only I had swallowed my pride and just spoke to her one more time." "now it is too late, there is no way to fix the relationship."

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 "13 Brothers, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death , so that you will not grieve like the rest, who are without hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, we also believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.…"

Pride and Jealousy Destroys

Self righteous pride guides a person into viewing things they way they WISH to see them instead of the way they are in reality.

Many relationships are destroyed by jealousy and self righteousness. Those who are like this will take a good thing and determine it as bad to avoid admitting someone or something has value.

Do not be dismayed when jealous people demean and mock everything you do. There is a sense of sadness for them, that they cannot be joyful within themselves without devaluing another human being.

Those who must devalue others in order to lift themselves up never rise from the mire of their own gloomy outlook. We see the lack of joy in those who act like this as well as a genuineness.

Those who are confident in Christ never feel a need to devalue anyone else to elevate self. Since self is not on the throne to begin with there is no need to bring others down to lift up.

We see in godly people who have been born again the attitude of compassion for the lost. Being bigger than someone else is anathema to those who love the way Christ loves. Our compassion looks beyond the flaws to the need for Christ and the potential in Christ once these people who are flawed just like us find healing.

Those who think they are better often have the misguided belief that they never needed to weep over their sinfulness. Not realizing no one can be born again unless they can confess their sinfulness, they continue heaping arrogance upon arrogance only to end up in the dung heap of narcissism.

When we see everyone as having value and in need of being treated with respect we never act in ways that make others feel unloved or worthless.

Ephesians 5:2 "1 Be imitators of God, therefore, as beloved children, 2 and walk in love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant sacrificial offering to God."

John 13:34-35 "34 A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so also you must love one another. 35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”…"

John 15:11-13 "…11 I have told you these things so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. 12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.…"

If there is jealousy and competitiveness there is no love.

James 3:16
"For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice."

Romans 5:5
"And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."

Who is Hiding?

A man who laughs and smiles all the time as though he cannot do anything else is hiding something about himself.

Changed into a New Creation

When we desire to be changed into a new creation by Christ He gives us what we want. He changes us, He creates in us new desires, new hopes and new attitudes that we did not have before.

He did in us what we could not to for ourselves. Hard as many try to be good they cannot think as they should because their mind has not been changed into a new creation.

All the intents of the heart cannot become Christlike without Christ dwelling in us. The unregenerate person attempting to be good by observing the Law will only frustrate their inner heart.

It is the heart that must be changed not just outward actions. This is why God told us not to look at outward appearances, many people can act fine on the outside for a time but if their heart is not changed the actions are lies and are not able to be maintained.

One who is pretending on the outside will eventually return to sinfulness because they must always revert to what has really been in their heart all along.

The way we think is determined by our inner character. We can hide and pretend what is in our heart but eventually our real self is going to leak out through our mouth, our actions and our attitudes. And yes, attitudes can be seen even when not acted upon.

Matthew 15:17-19 "…17 “Do you not yet realize that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then is eliminated? 18 But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander.…"

The heart is first then the speech and actions. The actions on the outside do not change the character and condition of the heart.


How many times have you run into those who are angry at a correction. Usually these are people who need correction often because they never listen to the correction therefore they don't learn.

They also tend to be angry all the time on the inside. They appear to have little joy as well as little concern or interest in others. These people are angry just under the surface all the time ready to emerge over the smallest matters. Any little hint of disagreement ignites rage in their soul.

It has been my experience that those who refuse to be corrected grow worse over the years. They have been stubborn in their responses to correction so long that it is a bad habit that slops over into every area of their life. There can be no joy in someone who has anger looming under the surface.

Those who are so full of pride that they cannot admit their failures will never learn from those failures.

Those who have destroyed their relationships through self promotion and superior attitudes can never be close to anyone. They will attempt to pretend they have close friends but it is an illusion.

In order for a relationship to be close, two people have to work through disagreement, sickness, sadness, joys and everything else in life through lots of time spent together.

Relationships can never be built on occasional visits based on good times and pleasure. Relationships are based on mutual respect as well as acceptance and even admiration of the personalities and concerns for one another.

When self is on the throne there can be no one else that shares that kingly status.

A good example of this was the devil himself. He rebelled against God seeking to take over the throne of God. When He could not do that he enlisted many minions of devils to come along with him.

Was the devil concerned about what would happen to the devils that would follow Him? NO, he knew he was taking them to hell with him. His plan is to take as many human beings with him as possible before being thrown into the fire himself.

This is the mentality of people who are rebellious. Their desire is to enlist as many people as possible to engage in their sin, they never like to sin alone. And, they are angry at those who will not accept it and indulge with them.

In relationships the evil men must have "flying monkeys" who follow them into their abyss of wicked behavior. They are never content to do evil all by themselves, they must have followers.

The evil man is also hell bent on destroying anyone who will not come along with them.


1 John 5:19 "19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one."

1 Samuel 15:23 "23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king.”"

Proverbs 22:24-25 " 24 DO NOT MAKE FRIENDS WITH AN ANGRY MAN, and DO NOT ASSOCIATE with a hot-tempered man, 25 OR YOU MAY LEARN HIS WAYS and entangle yourself in a snare.…"

Do You Think with the Mind of Christ?

How much do you think with the mind of Christ?

There was a woman who was gathering items from a grocery store shelf. In the process of reaching for the drink bottles she wished to purchase, one of the cases fell to the floor, broken and spilled all over.

Since this person was a born again believer he didn't have to think at all as to what must happen. She went to find a clerk to clean it up while confessing to her that she broke them.

When this woman approached the counter to purchase her items she insisted to the clerk that he needed to ring up an extra case of the drinks for the one she had broken.

There was no thinking process involved, the woman had accidentally broken something, it was her fault, her automatic and immediate reaction was to tell someone to get it cleaned up before someone stepped on the glass or slipped in the liquid. Then her next action was to make sure she paid for the broken items.

This is the response of someone who cares deeply about what God thinks far more than what the clerks or other shoppers might think of her if she admitted her fault.

Lets take a look at another scenario from another similar incident with another woman.

In this case the older woman had backed into the fence in the parking lot of a shop she intended to enter. This older woman had a companion with her, flustered and upset the older woman turned to her companion asking what she should do.

The companion said to her that she should tell the shop owner and offer to pay for the fence. The older woman entered the shop sheepishly approaching the check out desk in terrified tones said she had run into their fence and then offered to pay for it.

There was a sense that this older woman was hoping that her companion would tell her, "just don't worry about it, they don't know it was you since no one else was in the small lot."

In the first scenario the one who broke the bottles was not the least concerned about how she appeared to others around her, only that she had done something that needed to be made right.

There was no agonizing or sheepish tones in her voice when she admitted her mistake because she was not so deeply afraid as being seen as bad by others. Her perspective was vertical, that is so completely led by the Holy Spirit that her automatic reaction to her mistake was what would be the right thing to do. There was no need to consult with anyone else or consider hiding what she had done, the thought of slinking off without taking care of her duty didn't even occur to her.

In the case of the woman who ran into the parking lot fence of a shop, she was devastated that she would be seen as a bad person for her mistake. This woman appeared to be hoping that her companion would support her in hiding the mistake allowing her to feel free to do what came naturally to her, that is to get away with it without any consequences. In this woman was so much self involvement that she immediately jumped into self protection mode. She was not led by the Holy Spirit only by her own self preservation.

The older woman knew the right thing but didn't want to do it. But since her companion told her the right thing to do she had to do it to maintain her appearance of a good person, so she sheepishly took her companions advice and did the right thing.

In both cases of the broken bottle and fence the shop owners were gracious and declined for the ladies to pay for their mistake. However, even if the shop keepers took them up on their offer to pay for the items the ladies should have done it with graciousness, willingness and a smile on their face.

Here is another scenario that I had witnessed a few years ago along the same lines as the last two stories.

There was a man who had purchased a watch from his local Walmart. When he arrived home he looked all over in his car and could not find the bag with the watch in it. He returned to the store telling the clerks that he didn't get his watch so they gave him another one.

A day or so later this man was rummaging around in his truck and there was the first watch in the bag under the seat of the truck. Rather than taking the watch back to the store and explaining it had been replaced, this man gave the watch to his adult daughter. He counted the watch as his, sense he got away with it he had not conscience about it.

When the adult daughter was told by another companion that she should give the watch back to her father and that he should be told to return it, the companion was treated with disdain for suggesting such a thing.

The adult daughter kept the watch. The companion knew that the father keeping the lost watch and then giving it away was stealing and that the daughter was complicit in the stealing by accepting the watch. Out of irritation that neither the father or the adult daughter did the right thing the companion told the adult daughter this; "I hope the watch breaks, to show you that you have both sinned." Just two weeks later the watch broke.

Why did the companion want consequences for the father and the adult daughter? Because they claimed to be Christians and were resisting correction to do the right thing before God.

All of these people claimed to be Christians and attended church regularly, but only one did the right thing. Does this not suggest the condition of our "Christian" culture today, that if one can get away with not admitting mistakes and sins it is justified in hiding them?

Every mistake and sin we attempt to hide is one more step to a hardened, angry and disdainful heart toward righteousness. And toward those who would attempt to keep us accountable.

1 Peter 2:1 "1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind."

John 10:10
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

An abundant life is not based on how many things we can get away with, it is based on the peace of mind and character of one who loves the Lord so much that they hate to offend our Holy God.

Those who place their comfort and pleasure above God so much so that they are willing to do the wrong thing to spare themselves momentarily, are those who are empty souls full of malice and spiritual neglect.

May born again believers become so close to Christ that there is no need to figure out what is the right thing to do, it comes as naturally as breathing without thought and without self aggrandizement for others to see. Yes, others will see, but doing good for others to see is also counted as sin in God's eyes.

Matthew 6:1 "1 Be careful not to perform your righteous acts before men to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. "

Those who love God are the same person when no one sees as they are when others are looking.

Narcissism...Once The Early Positive Impression Fades

Four End-Time Deceptions