In the fight between Israel and the Palestinians, we have a bully mentality going on, Israel is the victim and the Palestinians are the bullies.
It is the same mentality in schools today, if there is a fight they assume that both are at fault, when one is only trying to get the bully to stop. I have seen this time and time again. The bully never stops being a bully, and the innocent victim is always at his mercy. No justice!
I recognize this bully mentality from living life so many years. Someone will express an innocent opinion, someone else will blow up in anger and the room full of people think the person who expressed an opinion, did something wrong.
The bully always makes it look like the victim is at fault, when the bully is the only one fighting. The bully is the loudest and angriest, usually about almost nothing, so the room full of people assume he must be right.
When the victim gets tired of being bullied, the bully whines and cries foul, while the victim is punished for defending themselves.
This is a common story among narcissists, and what is going on between Israel and the Palestinians right now. The Palestinians have been bombing Israel continually for years, after they murdered three Israeli boys, Israel said enough is enough and took action to stop the bullies from continuing.
Now the Palestinians are whining like cry babies because Israel has defended themselves. If they do not want to be bombed then they need to stop bombing Israel. They started the whole thing and now they cry because the victim fought back.
I have witnessed the bully mentality in conversations, families, wars and the work place, anyone who wants to control others without cause will act like a bully to get their own way. They nag and punish those who will not give into their unreasonable and selfish demands.
I am thankful that God is still in control and sees all that is going on. Justice will be done eventually and those who refuse to repent from their bullying will be held accountable for it.