Notice the lack of empathy on the part of wicked people. They do not see the trials of others and even are flippant about them, saying "peace, peace" as though there is no problem. They are not ashamed of anything ever.
Rejecting the cultural Christianity I grew up with to embrace and enjoy a relationship with Jesus Christ. A place to come and share thoughts about almost anything. Especially things of the Lord. Please no Anonymous posts, I enjoy knowing who is writing to me.
Monday, January 28, 2019
No Shame, No Empathy
Jeremiah 6:14-16 "…14 They have dressed the wound of My people with very little care, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace at all. 15 Were they ashamed of the abomination they committed? No, they were not at all ashamed. They did not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; when I punish them, they will collapse,” says the LORD. 16 This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths: Where is the good way? Then walk in it and find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it!’…"
Notice the lack of empathy on the part of wicked people. They do not see the trials of others and even are flippant about them, saying "peace, peace" as though there is no problem. They are not ashamed of anything ever.
Notice the lack of empathy on the part of wicked people. They do not see the trials of others and even are flippant about them, saying "peace, peace" as though there is no problem. They are not ashamed of anything ever.
Do We Really Want to Defy God?
YES and if we don't believe the Bible we don't believe God. If we twist the Bible we are twisting God's Words, this is a frightening place to be, spitting in the face of God through denial and even lying against His Word.
Do you really want to say to God, " I don't believe you" or do you want to say to God; "I will say it my way so I can have what I want."
Karen Long said!
“The most foundational thing to see from the Bible about marriage is that it is God’s doing.”
Do you really want to say to God, " I don't believe you" or do you want to say to God; "I will say it my way so I can have what I want."
Karen Long said!
“The most foundational thing to see from the Bible about marriage is that it is God’s doing.”
What Would I Tell the Apostles?
If when I get to heaven and an apostles approaches me to ask what it was like in those end days that they were inspired of God to write about I might have this to say:
Think with the mind of Christ as to what righteousness looks like and then think of the opposite and that is the world during those end times, that opposite!
Babies murdered for convenience, families nearly completely destroyed, teens committing suicide because they didn't know what gender they were, godly people persecuted for not fitting into the evil culture that was dominant.
Families rejecting believers for living out the life they chose, that was to love Christ above all else.
Homosexual marriage and shacking up was validated and encouraged while divorce and remarriage was rampant.
The schools were teaching children to reject the gender they were born with and intimidated to accept it or be treated with contempt. Bullying was rampant among every aspect of this life.
Christians were called bullies for standing for Christ while the real bullies were elevated to "special" status for daring to be evil without restraint. Lying was continual everywhere, especially against those who told the truth.
This list could go on for many pages. Is it not clear by now that America is never coming back!!!!! When a nation becomes this evil there is no returning to righteousness, if the nation actually ever was righteous as a whole.
Remember the roaring twenties, the bootleggers, the slavery, the lust for fame and fortune? Remember the women's sufferage movement, the abortion rights, the proliferation of pornography and filthy television as well as the movies? Remember the fashions that undressed a woman as far as she could go in public? Remember when you might have been chastised for telling a young "Christian" woman she should not wear bikinis on the beach or that she should not be staying out late at the house of her boyfriend?
There have always been more authentic believers in America than any others country of the world, but this nation as a whole has not been Christian as so many wish to believe.
My parents went to church every week and yet I saw no evidence of love for Christ in our home, just the opposite.There were plenty of "social rules" but there was no godliness, the joy and kindness was absent most of the time.
I fear this was the case with many families who attended church every week. There was a "form of religion" but no power of Christ in these lives. Cultural Christianity has been the norm in our country since the very beginning. Most who came to this country did not come for religious freedom, they came for a better life with greater opportunities to become wealthy.
God has used this country to further the gospel, however now we are seeing a false gospel coming from the churches, a gospel that does not save nor cleanse.
We are not better than other countries spiritually, how can we claim that when we distribute to nearly all of the world most of the pornography it uses. Our babies are being murdered every day. Most "Christians" are living superficial selfish lives of pleasure thinking they are blessed by God because of their material wealth.
We are a prideful lot, full of arrogance and self seeking, Christ is only attached to our plans because He makes us feel safe. This nation is not as safe as it thinks. When our spiritual lives are a mess we cannot expect God to further bless a nation that has mocked, demeaned and rejected Him.
Perhaps this could be said of America too:
Deuteronomy 32:18
"You neglected the Rock who begot you, And forgot the God who gave you birth."
Ezra 8:22
"For I was ashamed to request from the king troops and horsemen to protect us from the enemy on the way, because we had said to the king, "The hand of our God is favorably disposed to all those who seek Him, but His power and His anger are against all those who forsake Him."
Think with the mind of Christ as to what righteousness looks like and then think of the opposite and that is the world during those end times, that opposite!
Babies murdered for convenience, families nearly completely destroyed, teens committing suicide because they didn't know what gender they were, godly people persecuted for not fitting into the evil culture that was dominant.
Families rejecting believers for living out the life they chose, that was to love Christ above all else.
Homosexual marriage and shacking up was validated and encouraged while divorce and remarriage was rampant.
The schools were teaching children to reject the gender they were born with and intimidated to accept it or be treated with contempt. Bullying was rampant among every aspect of this life.
Christians were called bullies for standing for Christ while the real bullies were elevated to "special" status for daring to be evil without restraint. Lying was continual everywhere, especially against those who told the truth.
This list could go on for many pages. Is it not clear by now that America is never coming back!!!!! When a nation becomes this evil there is no returning to righteousness, if the nation actually ever was righteous as a whole.
Remember the roaring twenties, the bootleggers, the slavery, the lust for fame and fortune? Remember the women's sufferage movement, the abortion rights, the proliferation of pornography and filthy television as well as the movies? Remember the fashions that undressed a woman as far as she could go in public? Remember when you might have been chastised for telling a young "Christian" woman she should not wear bikinis on the beach or that she should not be staying out late at the house of her boyfriend?
There have always been more authentic believers in America than any others country of the world, but this nation as a whole has not been Christian as so many wish to believe.
My parents went to church every week and yet I saw no evidence of love for Christ in our home, just the opposite.There were plenty of "social rules" but there was no godliness, the joy and kindness was absent most of the time.
I fear this was the case with many families who attended church every week. There was a "form of religion" but no power of Christ in these lives. Cultural Christianity has been the norm in our country since the very beginning. Most who came to this country did not come for religious freedom, they came for a better life with greater opportunities to become wealthy.
God has used this country to further the gospel, however now we are seeing a false gospel coming from the churches, a gospel that does not save nor cleanse.
We are not better than other countries spiritually, how can we claim that when we distribute to nearly all of the world most of the pornography it uses. Our babies are being murdered every day. Most "Christians" are living superficial selfish lives of pleasure thinking they are blessed by God because of their material wealth.
We are a prideful lot, full of arrogance and self seeking, Christ is only attached to our plans because He makes us feel safe. This nation is not as safe as it thinks. When our spiritual lives are a mess we cannot expect God to further bless a nation that has mocked, demeaned and rejected Him.
Perhaps this could be said of America too:
Deuteronomy 32:18
"You neglected the Rock who begot you, And forgot the God who gave you birth."
Ezra 8:22
"For I was ashamed to request from the king troops and horsemen to protect us from the enemy on the way, because we had said to the king, "The hand of our God is favorably disposed to all those who seek Him, but His power and His anger are against all those who forsake Him."
The Monster Grows Bigger
These new posts about laws being made to legalize abortion through the ninth month are misleading.
The new law is not to legalize abortion through the ninth month. It is to allow a baby who has survived an abortion to lay on a table and die.
Abortion through the ninth month has been legal since 1973, this just makes it legal to allow them to die after the abortion fails.
Monstrous as it is there you have it!!!! America is on the fast track to serious discipline, whatever comes should be no surprise.
The new law is not to legalize abortion through the ninth month. It is to allow a baby who has survived an abortion to lay on a table and die.
Abortion through the ninth month has been legal since 1973, this just makes it legal to allow them to die after the abortion fails.
Monstrous as it is there you have it!!!! America is on the fast track to serious discipline, whatever comes should be no surprise.
Saying Something Does Not Make is So!
This same mentality was used in the Dred Scott decision in the 1800's when the government declared that blacks were not persons. Satan keeps using the same old ploy that feeds on the depraved desires of ungodly people.
What is commonly done by Hitler and about babies in the womb was also done by those who determined through the Dred Scott decision that blacks were not persons. As long as we SAY someone is not a person then foolish people believe it.
This is our monstrous culture right now, just merely saying something makes it a fact!!! Because everything is based on feelings instead of truth, we can see this foolishness growing.

The Odious Crime of Murder
There was a tribe in Africa down through history that allowed the father to kill their child up to the age of one year. This tribe evaluated the child, whether sick, deformed or mentally challenged, as to their worth in society.
The recent decision in some states to allow a child who survives abortion to be placed on a counter to die, is no different from the heathen tribe to decide the fate of the born child. By the way, those babies that survive abortion are born children. To say they are not is nothing more than lying to justify their murder.
Imagine the wickedness of someone who could watch a cold and naked baby on a counter top screaming and crying for its mother while it is dying, only to be ignored until it stops, then tossed in a trash can.
The callousness of such an act can only be done by those whose heart is completely hardened.
Romans 2:5
"But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God's righteous judgment will be revealed."
I was about age 20 when the Roe v Wade decision came down from the high court, that babies could be killed while still in the mother's womb. I was aghast at the foolishness of that new law after my husband told me the definition of abortion.
I had to ask my husband what abortion was because I had never even heard of it. When he told me that it was the killing of a baby in the womb and in this case all the way through the ninth month, I stated with frustration in my voice and a high degree of naivete, that we don't have to worry about that law because no woman would do that to her baby. How wrong I was!!! I had no idea that women were wanting to expunge their babies. Even those who had them out of wedlock either gave birth and kept them or gave them up for adoption. The idea of killing them never came to mind.
It isn't bad enough that there are those who would rally to fight for abortion rights, it is even worse when they celebrate those rights as though they were celebrating someone's birthday.
40 years ago when I spoke in schools on the subject of abortion I was struck with the mentality of the students toward the killing of the babies. Even with the fetal models of unborn infants in the progression of pregnancy sitting right in front of them as I spoke.
These young people 40 years ago were convinced that the child was not a real baby until it was born. They also would not believe me when I exposed the fact that Roe v Wade allowed the abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Even with the law right in front of me, the refused to believe it.
Why would these young people refuse to believe what was right in front of them? For a full week in the public schools all day long, Planned Parenthood was allowed to come in and indoctrinate these young minds. They set the stage for the young people to disbelieve anything the pro-life people might say.
As representatives of the Birthright organization we were allowed to come to the schools in one class for a period of one hour on Friday afternoon. By then the students had been primed for the things we were going to say and that they should not believe us.
In one visit to the schools my friend suggested that she bring her baby of six months old and let the young people see a real baby.
We spoke about the matter of abortion while allowing the girls to hold the baby as we spoke. They passed the child around in glee to be able to hold her. When the class was over the teacher who arranged for these visits was enraged and rude that we had "played dirty" for bringing a baby into class.
Our question to her was "were we not allowed to show the other side of the issue through evidence."
This particular school was an "alternative" school for incorrigibles who had been removed from the public school system for unruliness. By the time we had finished our one hour with the girls they were all against abortion.
This is the reason Planned Parenthood does not want "informed consent" when working with pregnant women. They want women to kill their babies thinking it is merely a blob like a tumor or some other unwanted malady.
I said then and say now rhetorically, "why would we think that once a sin has been promoted, it would not progress to the next level of intensity." I am here to tell you from experience that all sin unchecked or promoted progresses to the next level, always.
Why would we surmise that abortion tactics will stop at leaving a baby to die on a counter, one of the most callous and monstrous actions we have seen yet in this culture?
Once the murder mentality is allowed to have its head, the callousness continues to grow worse as the actions increase too.
We have every reason to believe that there will be an increase in elder abuse, child abuse and other equally monstrous sins.
Will there come a point at which the authorities will not punish or discourage a mother or father from leaving their infant in the forest to die because the child has become inconvenient? Yes, this will happen!
When we have been bowing to the god of convenience for the past 40 years, accustomed to it and defending it, we can be assured that this mentality will lead to greater and more heinous and odious actions, even being sanctioned by government.
The "self love" narcissistic mentality has been so deeply entrenched in our culture that those who speak out against these evils will be the ones punished for merely expressing their views on them.
We see this in family dynamics, the one who says things like "that is mean" or "that is rude" are those who are seen as the trouble makers, while the real trouble makers are coddled and encouraged.
Everyone of us has had very difficult things in our lives that could drive us to murder someone if that were our heart. We don't murder, we speak truth we attempt to convince and then if no one will listen we walk away.
Legalized murder is not the solution to a problem. The very nature of narcissism is a level of hatred that is tantamount to murder. God calls hatred murder and denying that hatred lying.
Matthew 5:21-22
"21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment."
One might feel there is a reason to be angry toward those who have harmed us, but to hate a baby enough to kill it simply because he has inconvenienced us, is the worst of monstrosities.
One last thought, there are many young ladies in the world who are depressed and abandoned during their pregnancy, rather than encouraging them to kill their babies we ought to be coming along side with solutions that do not involve murder.
To prey on the mother who is in deep distress for the sake of money is also a monstrous thing. This is the Planned Parenthood way!
The recent decision in some states to allow a child who survives abortion to be placed on a counter to die, is no different from the heathen tribe to decide the fate of the born child. By the way, those babies that survive abortion are born children. To say they are not is nothing more than lying to justify their murder.
Imagine the wickedness of someone who could watch a cold and naked baby on a counter top screaming and crying for its mother while it is dying, only to be ignored until it stops, then tossed in a trash can.
The callousness of such an act can only be done by those whose heart is completely hardened.
Romans 2:5
"But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God's righteous judgment will be revealed."
I was about age 20 when the Roe v Wade decision came down from the high court, that babies could be killed while still in the mother's womb. I was aghast at the foolishness of that new law after my husband told me the definition of abortion.
I had to ask my husband what abortion was because I had never even heard of it. When he told me that it was the killing of a baby in the womb and in this case all the way through the ninth month, I stated with frustration in my voice and a high degree of naivete, that we don't have to worry about that law because no woman would do that to her baby. How wrong I was!!! I had no idea that women were wanting to expunge their babies. Even those who had them out of wedlock either gave birth and kept them or gave them up for adoption. The idea of killing them never came to mind.
It isn't bad enough that there are those who would rally to fight for abortion rights, it is even worse when they celebrate those rights as though they were celebrating someone's birthday.
40 years ago when I spoke in schools on the subject of abortion I was struck with the mentality of the students toward the killing of the babies. Even with the fetal models of unborn infants in the progression of pregnancy sitting right in front of them as I spoke.
These young people 40 years ago were convinced that the child was not a real baby until it was born. They also would not believe me when I exposed the fact that Roe v Wade allowed the abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Even with the law right in front of me, the refused to believe it.
Why would these young people refuse to believe what was right in front of them? For a full week in the public schools all day long, Planned Parenthood was allowed to come in and indoctrinate these young minds. They set the stage for the young people to disbelieve anything the pro-life people might say.
As representatives of the Birthright organization we were allowed to come to the schools in one class for a period of one hour on Friday afternoon. By then the students had been primed for the things we were going to say and that they should not believe us.
In one visit to the schools my friend suggested that she bring her baby of six months old and let the young people see a real baby.
We spoke about the matter of abortion while allowing the girls to hold the baby as we spoke. They passed the child around in glee to be able to hold her. When the class was over the teacher who arranged for these visits was enraged and rude that we had "played dirty" for bringing a baby into class.
Our question to her was "were we not allowed to show the other side of the issue through evidence."
This particular school was an "alternative" school for incorrigibles who had been removed from the public school system for unruliness. By the time we had finished our one hour with the girls they were all against abortion.
This is the reason Planned Parenthood does not want "informed consent" when working with pregnant women. They want women to kill their babies thinking it is merely a blob like a tumor or some other unwanted malady.
I said then and say now rhetorically, "why would we think that once a sin has been promoted, it would not progress to the next level of intensity." I am here to tell you from experience that all sin unchecked or promoted progresses to the next level, always.
Why would we surmise that abortion tactics will stop at leaving a baby to die on a counter, one of the most callous and monstrous actions we have seen yet in this culture?
Once the murder mentality is allowed to have its head, the callousness continues to grow worse as the actions increase too.
We have every reason to believe that there will be an increase in elder abuse, child abuse and other equally monstrous sins.
Will there come a point at which the authorities will not punish or discourage a mother or father from leaving their infant in the forest to die because the child has become inconvenient? Yes, this will happen!
When we have been bowing to the god of convenience for the past 40 years, accustomed to it and defending it, we can be assured that this mentality will lead to greater and more heinous and odious actions, even being sanctioned by government.
The "self love" narcissistic mentality has been so deeply entrenched in our culture that those who speak out against these evils will be the ones punished for merely expressing their views on them.
We see this in family dynamics, the one who says things like "that is mean" or "that is rude" are those who are seen as the trouble makers, while the real trouble makers are coddled and encouraged.
Everyone of us has had very difficult things in our lives that could drive us to murder someone if that were our heart. We don't murder, we speak truth we attempt to convince and then if no one will listen we walk away.
Legalized murder is not the solution to a problem. The very nature of narcissism is a level of hatred that is tantamount to murder. God calls hatred murder and denying that hatred lying.
Matthew 5:21-22
"21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment."
One might feel there is a reason to be angry toward those who have harmed us, but to hate a baby enough to kill it simply because he has inconvenienced us, is the worst of monstrosities.
One last thought, there are many young ladies in the world who are depressed and abandoned during their pregnancy, rather than encouraging them to kill their babies we ought to be coming along side with solutions that do not involve murder.
To prey on the mother who is in deep distress for the sake of money is also a monstrous thing. This is the Planned Parenthood way!
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