Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Grace to Obey not Grace to Sin

Grace is given to be able to obey, not freedom to disobey. Sin is so serious that no amount of sin at all can come into the presence of God, that's why Christ paid our debt that God would see Him instead of our sin.

Why on earth would God wink at sin when it was so terrible in the slightest degree that Christ had to die to pay the price for it. When we are flippant about sin it is the same as slapping God in the face.

Begin Building Your House by Choosing the Right Man

For Christian Women Desiring to Marry

Feelings are only good if they reflect an action that was in obedience to God. Often our feelings cause us to disobey, because we like them so much, we ignore the inklings in our soul that tell us the attitude is not righteous. The devil loves to make us euphoric, so that we are controlled by our feelings.

Many young ladies "fall in love", mostly because of outward appearance or a kindred spirit in terms of enjoyment of the same activities. Often the character is ignored completely in favor of the good feelings that come from having fun together.

My advice to young ladies who are wanting to get married in the Lord, would be this, watch the man who pursues you, in all situations evaluate what a godly man would have done. The Bible will show you what a godly man looks like.

2 Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?"

Does your young man pray over everything, seeking God even in the small things, or does he wait until something is too big for him and then turns to prayer. The matter of prayer doesn't even come up in the minds of many Christian men. They are almost embarrassed to suggest prayer as a solution to problems.

If a man is not interested in reading the Bible with you or praying with you, he is not for you. A man who leads will love to share his relationship in the Lord with the one he will marry.

A man who neglects prayer and scripture study will be a man who will neglect the training and teaching of his children. Often these men will not do it themselves nor will they support their wife when she wants to instruct the children.

A godly man will love to read the word, seek it when problems come up and consult with his wife on many things, that they might make major decisions together. When a man will not discuss important matters with his wife, then he is operating as a single, without regard to the wisdom of the wife, this will cause the children to disregard their mother too.

The children will often do what they see the father doing even more than what they hear him saying. "More is caught than taught."

When you get married you will not agree on everything, but you should at least be able to discuss everything.

Above all, seek the Lord will all your heart for your spouse, HE can see into a man's heart, we can only see what the man wants to show us on the outside, unless we have discernment from the Holy Spirit. There are always clues as to someone's character, do not ignore the clues. Even confront them head on, with a potential spouse, watch his reaction to a challenge, whatever comes out will show you whether he is humble or prideful.

Proverbs 29:23 "One's pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor."

Proverbs 11:2 "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom."

Philippians 2:3 "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."

If your young man considers things before reacting, seeks to please God in his ways, even though not perfect, he will be a good leader in your home, a wonderful father to your children and he will never leave you.

If you marry a man who builds his life on Christ, then when difficulties come he will know Who to turn to and be given wisdom to resolve matters.

Matthew 7:24 ""Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock."

The Fold or the Flock, Where are You?

I heard an analogy that blessed me recently. In the old testament we see the sheep are in the "fold", protected by the enclosure of the fold, which is a picture of the "Law." The protection was from the wolves and other predators that would be dangerous to the sheep.

However, in the new testament we see a different picture, one that does not require the "fold." The word "fold" used in the old testament was not the same word used in the new testament to depict the protection of the sheep. The new testament refers to the "flock." There is no "protecting fold", because the protection is now that of the Shepherd. Through Christ we are protected by His grace.

Just a thought!