Rebellious people may offer an apology like: "I'm sorry you got angry", but not "I'm sorry for what I have done."
Those who have been ashamed of their own actions can easily own up to it and tell on themselves because they care about the relationship.
Since narcissists don't care about others, only themselves, they may feel the loss of a friend but never that they did something to that friend only that the friend no longer pays attention to them.
Never allow back into your life someone who has repeatedly and consistently treated you with disrespect. If they have really changed they will not want to bother you because they will know how much they have hurt you and that you can never believe them again.
I can't tell you the number of times certain people have claimed they were Christians just to worm their way back into our lives to continue manipulating and dominating. The devil gives these people all the right words that tug at our kind hearts only to trap us once again.
Jesus Christ will tell us when someone is repentant and He will warn us if it is a trick. Never follow your empathetic feelings on this, do nothing until the Holy Spirit speaks clearly to you.
The people who have been liars and tricksters know exactly the right words to say to make their target feel guilty for using a very important word; "NO."
When God tells us to do or not do something we have no reason to "feel" guilt but we will have reason to rejoice that the Lord helped us dodge another bullet.
Proverbs 15:2
"The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool spouts folly."
Trust the Lord with all your heart for everything and do not ever trust the one who is attempting to guilt you into a decision.
Proverbs 3:5-6
"5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight."
People will attempt to make us feel guilty for not doing what they want even when Christ in us gave us clear direction that "NO will be NO."