Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Our Prophets Mocked the False Prophets: Loving It!

The apostles and prophets used mocking and ridicule at times to keep their sanity, so do we!!!!

Remember when Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal when he said to them: "whats the matter are your gods sleeping", when they tried to out miracle Elijah's God.

Don't ya just love it!!!!!

Dread Scott and Roe v Wade Created by the same Devil

In the time of the Dread Scott decision, blacks were given only 3/5ths of the value of whites. They were demeaned as less value, non-personhood, than whites by our founding fathers, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. This decision was made by our government to justify slavery and the abuse of slaves. Since the slaves were property there were no rules as to the level of cruelty that could be executed upon that property.

In the Roe v Wade decision of 1973 the unborn baby was deemed to be a non-person in order to justify killing them in the most cruel and demeaning way, chopping them to pieces without anesthetic.

Imagine a government that wants to murder, torture and demean a class of people merely to have control over them. Or because they are inconvenient.

Yes many of the very people who were descendants of slaves are killing their unborn babies under the same dilution that forced their ancestors into slavery.

When we begin changing the terminology of sin to make it acceptable anything is allowable, as long as the terminology is altered.

If you think this can go no further than it has in the past, just take a look at the market place of ideas to determine whats next. The culture is now redefining marriage differently to include perverse forms of it, between two men or two women.

Soon a person will not know what they are getting. A man who changes into a woman can marry another man perhaps without that man realizing it until the marriage takes place. Then there are those troublesome circumstances in which the woman/man decides he made a wrong decision and wants to revert back to the state in which he was born.

If that isn't bad enough we are moving into the realm of denying the gender one was born with in order to kill the very soul of the human being. Suicide among transgender people is high and growing. Those who do it know its against their very souls.

Just recently there was a man who changed himself into a woman, at least through his speech without any physical changes. Having been convicted of a crime he was place in the women's prison as a woman.

The man who pretended to be a woman was assaulting and raping the women in the prison. He had to be prosecuted for these rapes but the courts couldn't decide in which jail to place him, since he was dangerous to the women as a pretending woman.

Perhaps it takes the wisdom of Solomon here to determine the fate of this perverted and demented individual. My suggestion is that the man be given a choice, either go into the male jail as a man or be given the opportunity to have his male parts removed to join the women in their jail. At least he would be more true to his assertion that he wanted to be a woman and the women would be protected from him.

Is it possible for this world to get any more demented? Sadly I think so. When all rational and logical thinking is removed from a culture to follow imaginations and fantasy thinking, we know that anything evil and destructive is possible.

The idea that all we have to do is "SAY" someone is not a person allows the culture to kill that person. As well as the idea that all we have to do is "SAY" someone is a gender of their choice, and they become that gender.

After all one only has to think up something in their head no matter how preposterous to be declared and defended as truth.

The evils that started the rolling snow balls were at first excused on the basis of something Biblicaly twisted to be justified. Divorce and remarriage was defended in extreme cases, after which it was seen as a right for any reason at all. There never was a reason in the Word of God allowing for divorce, only concoctions in the minds of those who want to be able to say they follow the Bible without actually doing it.

Now we have marriage between anyone without any standard at all. There was a time when divorce was known by every believer to be sin against God. It was even disciplined by church members to obey the Word about Church discipline,.

The Dread Scott decision got the ball rolling in our country to justify changing verbiage to abuse and enslave people.

The courts have disallowed Christianity in school on the basis of a falsehood that there should be a separation between church and state. The false premise that the public institutions funded by the public must not have any Christianity in them, has created a state church governing all state institutions, that is the religion of evolution.

All these evils were a chipping away here and a chipping away there until there is little if any morality left.

Even believers are being chastised and mocked for standing on the principles of the word of God by other so called "Christians", who have bought into all the lies of psychology. Those who say they don't believe in evolution are practicing psychological methods that are born out of evolution.

Yes it can get worse, every day a new evil arises that the demonic world is convincing people they have a right to and even giving them arguments that make it all sound good. Only those who know the Word of God and have asked the Holy Spirit for wisdom will be discerning about what is good and what is evil.

Isaiah 5:20 "20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"

There are battles in families now because some want to follow Christ and others just want to look like they follow Christ. That isn't even mentioning all the non-believers in families who hate those who love God.

Get ready Brethren if you are not already prepared, we are being targeted by false brethren for mocking and demeaning. May each of us stay strong, speak truth often as led by the Holy Spirit and never look back.

Luke 9:61-62 "…61 Still another said, “I will follow You, Lord; but first let me bid farewell to my family.” 62 Then Jesus declared, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and then looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”"

Live For Christ No Matter Who Goes With You

When someone sends a strong message that they do not want you in their lives, accommodate them and move on to those who share your views and goals in life. Those who show no interest in being in our lives are sending a clear message that they do not care about us, that's many in this world. Never mind their antics or their disapproval, move on in the Lord toward the goal.

God wants us to be surrounded by those who will enhance the path we want to take. Those who will advice us according to the Word of God and those who will listen to advice according to the Word of God are our friends.

When you find yourself disagreeing with someone continually, when you know God has shown you the truth about something, then is the time to move forward in our walk without those in it that will attempt to continually pull us back. Regression is not a good idea and no many people will regress to keep people in their lives.

2 Corinthians 6:16-18 "…16 What agreement can exist between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people.” 17 “Therefore come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” 18 And: “I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”…"

Even in marriage the Lord commands us to let the unbeliever leave if they want to leave, we are called to live in peace. Of course we do not divorce them nor do anything that would force them to divorce. We merely let them leave without a fight and move on to live our lives for the Lord.

If an unsaved spouse desires to live with us then we must learn ways to live with them that do not mare our Christian witness. We politely refuse to engage in sin with them. We do nothing to help them sin and we express dismay when they are about to sin.

When the believer lives godly in front of the ungodly spouse they can be at peace in their heart and full of joy no matter what the unbeliever chooses for their life.

When we learn to detached from someone and make Christ our "everything", then we do not become "codependent" in the exploits of the unsaved spouse. Depending on a spouse for affection and affirmation when living with a narcissist is not wise and will lead to continual turmoil We must learn to depend entirely on Christ and not the spouse.

When we have no expectations for the unsaved we will be able to live for Christ alone without validation or encouragement. Christ becomes everything for us that we need.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.

Nehemiah 8:10 Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

Isaiah 40:29 "29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."