Pretenders who are not born again, only thinking they are, they cannot keep up the pretense, eventually they will tire of the game and regress, leaving everyone that knew them in shock. Many people can be very careful to hide their real selves from those in the church and from extended family members.
These are people who have walked away, became bitter and often more angry than anyone has ever seen them. Pretending is hard work, it builds resentment that eventually has t...o emerge, raging against those that are convicting to them.
If you know of someone who never confesses their sins, when confronted they become enraged and refuse to admit their wrong, are those who possess fleshly pride, they don't want to know themselves, they don't want to be cleansed because they already have an elevated view of their own importance.
It is impossible for a self important person to progress in holiness, they will only regress, often returning to the way they were before they joined a Christian group.
The excuses for bad behavior become many and varied as they defend their decision to walk away, they may even remain, but begin causing trouble within the body. They may even claim they are not angry and bitter, even though their actions and attitudes clearly demonstrate this.
Pretenders have no strength to keep up the hard work of hiding themselves.
Proverbs 28:13 "He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion."
The prayer on our lips for such people should be for their salvation.