Rejecting the cultural Christianity I grew up with to embrace and enjoy a relationship with Jesus Christ. A place to come and share thoughts about almost anything. Especially things of the Lord. Please no Anonymous posts, I enjoy knowing who is writing to me.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Fools or the Wise Which are You
Wisdom isn't just about knowing facts or sounding smart. Wisdom is not attainable except through seeking God and continual self-reflection anyone of any IQ can be Scripturally wise.
Stupidity is the enemy of our soul. It makes bad things look good and good things look bad as we are seeing commonly in these end times days.
Wisdom is not a matter of good education it is a mindset that seeks the truth and loves the things of the Lord.
It is impossible for a person to learn when they think they already know everything.
Proverbs 29:9-10 "9 If a wise man goes to court with a fool, there will be raving and laughing with no resolution. 10 Men of bloodshed hate a blameless man, but the upright care for his life.…"
Signs of a foolish person:
The foolish person refuses to listen or learn, when they are corrected they reject the correction as though it is stupid and continue operating from the error.
They dismiss ideas merely because those ideas came from someone they don't like, usually someone who seeks wisdom.
Fools cannot learn because they are too proud to admit they are not superior to others. The truth is not concerning to the fool, they only care about being seen as superior, even if it means embracing lies. They must appear expert at everything to feel validated, this is the irony, they are weak because they cannot admit their flaws when admitting them would cause strength in their character and progress them in life.
Fools stubbornly cling to ignorance to protect their fragile image of faux self-exaltation.
Fools are easily offended often without provocation because they take everything as a personal attack. Even our accomplishments irritate them because it is not about them.
Fools react to criticism with outrage, instead of evaluating to improve they rage to intimidate into silence the very people who could help them improve.
I have seen a young person roll their eyes at being corrected about the pronuciation of a word because they hated to admit they didn't know something. Then to make it worse they continued their wrong pronuciation in defiance.
Anger is mankind's greatest weakness, it resolves nothing and causes relationship destruction. Fools even demolish opportunities to build relationships because of their immense pride. They mock and demean anyone they can't feel superior to and who they cannot dominate.
Fools take everything personally, the slightest innocent comments are seen as personal attacks when they are not even about them.
Wise people understand that criticism can be a tool for growth when it is rooted in God's truth.
Fools chase pleasure above everything else. Everything must bring them happiness even if at the expense of others. Their good works are done only to appear good to others, and they cannot do a good deed unless others notice.
Fools are impulsive without restraint ready to manipulate and intimidate others to get what they want for themselves.
Fools are not grateful, they continually demean those who have done much for them merely because they didn't do it all to elevate the fool.
Fools are continually seeking the next adventure, they can never find joy in normal everyday living and they must boast about everything they do or they feel empty when their feats go unnoticed by others.
Fools blame others for the emptiness they feel inside when they are not being elevated as special and superior. When a relationship fails because of the lack of love and empathy in the fool, they blame others, nothing is ever their fault and yet they are continually blowing up relationships forcing them to look for new sources of supply for their addiction to attention and their own idea of superiority.
Wise people take responsibility for themselves while fools accuse others for their own pratfalls. This mindset keeps them stuck in failure and continual resentment toward others. These fools suck all the joy and peace out of the room when they walk in, there is relief and the return of peace when they walk out.
Fools always talk more than they think, the input of others is not necessary to them, it is an irritant to their need to be the center of attention.
Fools love the sound of their own voice. They throw out opinions based on how they wish to think without any information except what they desire to believe.
Wise people speak with purpose and truth while the fool gets a high from merely holding the floor as long as they can while others agonize over the lack of depth coming from their mouths, constant noise with no substance.
Fools cling to what is familiar even when it is harmful. They will retain ideas against God's Word just because everyone else likes the idea. These people do not think independently of "group think" and are wrong often because of it.
Fools are paralyzed by fear of rejection so they tend to follow whatever the crowd is saying. They are terrified of being alone because they do not think for themselves, they must have someone telling them what to think and it must align with their immense ego.
The way to wisdom is knowing our own flaws, admitting them and resolving to ask God to change our hearts to be in alignment with His truth.
Wise people are not afraid of their flaws, they admit them and seek to repair them with God's Word.
Proverbs 1:5-7
"A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; And a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels".
Fools do not seek counsel to hear solutions they seek counsel that will say what they want to hear and reject any counsel that will correct their false thinking. This is the reason our modern churches are filled with people who love to feel good about themselves but have little interest in God's Wisdom.
2 Timothy 4:3
"3 For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires,"
The greatest blessing and strength of born-again believers is the ability to look with honesty at their own development, admit what is needed to improve, and move forward beyond mere words. It is the power of Christ Who brings about authentic change. Mere words to impress others stagnate and regress those who have no intention of growing in holiness.
Hebrews 12:14: "Pursue holiness, without which no one will see the Lord"
Romans 12:1: "Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God"
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