Ruth Ranieri said : "I used to also, but once having an autistic son who people looked at you like why did you bring that into the world I didn’t care what they thought but they were strangers. It is another thing if it is your spouse or children and I chose God over them too. It matters what God thinks not man. It mattered to Jesus what the Father thought than man."
Gwendolyn said: "Amen Ruth, why would we care about what evil people think! Those who believe someone does not measure up to their standard are not worthy to live is beyond evil. They must think very highly of themselves to believe they measure up to be able to live."
It is astonishing that others would take a beautiful thing, that is the dedication of a mother to her child and attempt to make her feel guilty about doing what pleases God.
We are running into this sort of thinking all the time now. Even when we leave people alone and just live our lives as we believe we should, those who are convicted of their sinfulness will attack us, merely because we do not do what they do.